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Íocfaidh mé as a gceannóidh tú, I will pay for whatever you will buy.
Gheobhaidh tú é ~ íoc as, you will get it if you pay for it.
Níl sé d’~ aige na fiacha a íoc, he is unable to pay his debts.
~ a thabhairt ar rud, to pay attention to sth.
Thug sé ~ mór air, he paid a lot of money for it.
Tá an t-airgead sin in ~ don chíos, that money has been set aside to pay the rent.
Tuí, sraith, na háithe a chur ar an muileann, to rob Peter to pay Paul.
Íocfaidh siad a h~ is a dó as, they will pay dearly for it.
D’íoc sé as a thuarastal é, he paid it out of his salary.
~fidh mé sin asat, I’ll make you pay for that.
Is ~ aird atá agaibh orm, you pay little attention to me.
~ a íoc, to pay a bill.
Cuid an bhodaigh thall ar an m~ abhus, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
~ suime a dhéanamh de dhuine, to pay a lot of attention to, make much of, s.o.
Níl cíos ná ~ orm, I pay neither rent nor tax.
Cuid den chadhain seo a chur sa chadhain (úd) eile, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Mo chaduaic! Is daor a cheannaigh mé é, alas! I paid dearly for it.
Chaill mé as mo phóca féin leis, I had to pay for it out of my own pocket.
An cháin a íoc, to pay the penalty.
~ ainmniúil, cúltaca, eisithe, glaoite, íoctha, reatha, nominal, reserve, issued, called-up, paid-up, circulating, capital.
Ná tóg ~ ar bith dó, pay no attention to him.
Is daor a cheannaigh mé é, I paid dearly for it.
Is mé a cheannaigh mo bheart, I paid for my experience.
Tá, is maith atá, sé ceannaithe agat, you have paid (well) for it, earned it (well).
Tabhair a cheart tuarastail dó, pay him a proper wage.
~ cumainn a chur ar dhuine, to pay one’s addresses to s.o.
Cuir ~ den neamhshuim leis, let it heal itself, pay no attention to it.
Lig chugat an scéal, pay attention to the story.
Ní chuireann sé suim i g~ ná i gclog, he pays no attention to religion.
~ a dhearmaid air! Let him pay for his mistakes!
Talamh a chíosú, to pay a rent for land.
Lig thar do chluasa é, pay no attention to it.
Tabhair ~ a láimhe féin dó, pay him back in kind.
Ní críonnacht ~, ‘miserliness is not thrift’, it does not pay to be mean.
Bainfear as do chreataí é, your body will suffer for it; you will pay dearly for it.
~ ruda a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. pay, suffer, for sth.
Ar chuntar go n-íocfaidh tú as, provided you (will) pay for it.
~ a íoc, a ghlanadh, to pay, clear, an account.
Ba dhaor an turas orm é, I paid dearly, suffered, for that journey.
Beidh ~ ort, you will pay dearly for it.
~ leis nach raibh aird acu air, he thought they were not paying attention to him.
~ a íoc, to pay tithes.
Tá a dheachú íoctha aige, he has paid his share, sacrificed enough.
D’íoc sé an phingin dheireanach a bhí agam air, he paid every penny he owed me.
I n~ ar íoc mé leis, notwithstanding all I paid him.
~ as rud, to pay for sth.; to be punished for sth.
Dhíol sé a luach liom, he paid me the value of it.
Dhíol siad éiric as, they paid an indemnity for it.
Dhíol an chruithneacht é, the wheat paid off for him.
Dhíol siad go maith mé, they paid me well.
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