Gliceas, cealg, a dhéanamh, to resort to cunning, deceit.
Dul le ~, i muinín an fhornirt, to resort to violence.
~ saoire, holiday resort.
Dul i leith na déirce, to resort to charity.
Deireadh gach ~e an déirc, begging is the last resort.
Áit a thaithí, to resort to a place.
Ná tabhair ~ leis na mionnaí móra, don’t resort to swear-words.
Ag taobhú le droch-chaint, resorting to bad language.
Ná ~ ar na bréaga, don’t resort to lies.
Tá ~ mór ar an áit seo, this is a place of great resort.
Mar a mbíodh mo thriall, where I used to resort.