Bhruith sé a lorgaí, he scorched his shins.
~ talún, (i) soil-burning, (ii) foot-scorching, blisters on soles of feet.
Talamh a dhó, to burn, scorch, earth.
~ ag an tine, ag an teas, burned, scorched, by the fire, by the heat.
Talamh ~, (moor)land scorched, beaten, before tilling.
~ a chur sa fhraoch, to set fire to, scorch, the heather.
~ dóite, (moor)land scorched and grubbed for tillage.
Ghreadfadh an tine sin duine, that is a scorching fire.
2. ~ thine, scorching fire.
2. Do mhéara a loscadh, to burn, scorch, one’s fingers.
~the le gaoth agus le grian, scorched, parched, by wind and sun.
Ball ~, rusty spot; scorched patch.
Éadach a ruadhó, to scorch clothing.
~ gréine, scorching sun; sunburn.