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Similar words: crua · grua · ruag · ruam · ruan
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rua could be a grammatical form of: ruaigh »
rua1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). 1. Red-haired person. 2. Reddish-brown, russet, colour.
rua2, f. (gs. ~). Med: An ~, the rose, erysipelas.
rua3, a3. 1. Red(-haired). Gruaig ~, red hair. Duine ~, red-haired person. 2. Reddish-brown, russet, copper brown. Capall ~, chestnut horse. Bonn ~, copper coin. Ball ~, rusty spot; scorched patch. An Mhuir R~, the Red Sea. S.a. arán, bruth1 2, cailleach 13, caoch2, cianóg, feamainn, lacha, lionn 1, madra 1(b), pingin 1, raithneach, 1 5. 3. Wild, fierce; rough, strong. Oíche ~, wild night; night of fierce brawling. Gaoth ~ Mhárta, wild, withering, March wind. Sruth ~ rabharta, strong spring-tide flow. Cath ~, fierce, bloody, battle.
~ buí, geal, rua, gold, silver, copper, money.
~ donn, rua, brown bread.
~ donn, rua, cod.
~ donn, rua, cod.
~ buí, rua, brown trout.
~ rua, rust (on plants).
~ an mhadra rua, London-pride.
~ rua, loach.
~ rua, rust.
~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair).
Níl ~ rua agam, I haven’t a brass farthing.
~ rua, Reynard the fox.
~ an mhadra rua, (clustered seeds of) dock.
~ rua, crón, copper beech(-tree).
~ rua, brown seaweed.
~ rua, red deer.
~ rua, red-throated diver.
4. ~ rua, gillaroo.
Tagann gach aon rud lena ~ (ach an madra rua is an marbhán), talk of the devil and he will appear.
~ (rua), (red) squirrel.
~ rua, widgeon.
~ rua, choler.
~ rua, red-throated diver.
~ rua, fox.
6. ~ rua, sugar-wrack.
Níl ~ rua, ~ ná bonn, aige, he hasn’t a penny piece.
~ rua, (i) rust-coloured, withered, fern, (ii) rusty-back.
(An) ~ rua, chaffinch.
Níl ~ (rua) agam, I haven’t a (red) cent.
~ rua, old red sandstone.
~ an mhadra rua, the fox-hunt; foxhunting.
~ rua, red-breasted merganser.
~ donn, rua, brown sugar.
~ rua, reddish-brown hempen rope.
~ chnó an iora rua, the squirrel’s cache of nuts.
~ shionnaigh, ~ an mhadra rua, Will-o’-the-wisp.
~ rua, red-breasted merganser.
~ an mhadra rua, tutsan.
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