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stranger could be a grammatical form of: strange »
Tá tú i do strainséir ~ agam, you are a complete stranger to me.
Duine thar ~ amach, as ~ amach, a stranger to the place.
~ an coimhthíoch ach ná taobhaigh é, be friendly with a stranger but don’t put your trust in him.
Cúl le ~, a stranger to one’s kind.
Aíocht don ~, hospitality for the stranger.
Bhí sé ina dheoraí eatarthu, he was (like) a stranger among them.
Tá mé mar a bheadh strainséir ~ ina measc, I am like a black stranger among them.
Is iontaí fírinne ná ~, truth is stranger than fiction.
Duine ~a, person from outside, stranger, foreigner.
Is iomaí rud ab iontaí (ná é), stranger things could happen.
~ deoraí, ladrainn, ‘stranger’s, robber’s, hand,’ death.
Tá mé i mo ~ anseo, I am a stranger here, I don’t know my way about.
Is tú an ~! You are quite a stranger!
Ní de thír ná de thalamh é, he is a total stranger.
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