Tá mé in ~ go n-éireoidh leat, I am of the opinion that you will succeed.
Go dté sé ar ~ agus ar biseach duit, may you succeed and prosper with it.
Níl ~ ná forás air, he is neither prospering nor succeeding.
Agus gach ráithe ina dhiaidh, and each succeeding quarter.
Teacht in ~, to grow up, mature; to succeed in life.
D’fhág sin díot é, that left you without a chance of succeeding; it was a poor attempt on your part.
Ní bheidh ~ ag gabháil a n-oidhreachta dá n-éis, they will have no one to succeed to their inheritance.
Ar ~adh libh? Did you catch fish, succeed in your quest?
Ar ~, in the track of; in pursuit of; following after, succeeding; along the course of.
Sílim ~ éirigh leis, I think he didn’t succeed.
Níl mac ná ó aige, he has no one to succeed to his name, to his estate. (In counting relationships)
Faoi ~, succeeding, prospering.
Má bhíonn an ~ seo linn, if this course is in our favour; if we succeed this time.
Bí ~ is rachaidh leat, persevere and you will succeed.
Má ~eann leat, if you succeed; if you get away with it.
Bhí sé ag samhlú dó féin go n-éireodh leis, he was imagining that he would succeed.
Dá gcaithfeá leis go hiallacha na ~ (ní bheadh maith duit ann), no matter how hard you try it (you won’t succeed).
Ní dheachaigh aige, he didn’t succeed.
Ní rachaidh leat an iarraidh seo, you won’t succeed this time.
An té atá ~ óltar deoch air, he who succeeds has a toast drunk to him.
~fidh sé linn nó ~fimid leis, we will succeed or perish in the attempt.