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Tá an ghrian ar an ~, the sun is up.
Buí ag an ngrian, tanned by the sun.
~ na gréine, the altitude of the sun.
~ na gréine, the time by the sun.
Ar ghile na gréine, bright as the sun.
Ar ~ na tine, na gréine, na farraige, facing the fire, the sun, the sea.
Tá an ghrian in ~ a cúrsa, the sun is at its meridian.
Tá an ghrian ag ársú, the sun is high in the sky; it is getting on for midday.
Tagann sé as teas na gréine, it comes from the heat of the sun.
An tine, an solas, an ghrian, a bhaint de dhuine, to get between s.o. and the fire, the light, the sun.
Grian, gealach, bháiteach, watery, sickly, sun, moon.
~ gréine, sun-spot.
Níl a leithéid faoin m~ bán, there is nothing like it under the sun.
Ag ~adh le teas na gréine, growing rapidly with the heat of the sun.
~ le grian, ón ngrian, tanned by the sun.
Buífidh an ghrian do chraiceann, the sun will tan your skin.
Cheangail sé grian agus gealach air féin, he swore by the sun and the moon.
~ gréine, gealaí, sun, moon, haze.
~ na gréine, declining of the sun.
~ cruach, cosanta, deataigh, gréine, steel, crash-, smoke-, sun-, helmet.
An ghrian a chosc, to keep out the sun.
~ na gréine, the sun’s corona.
10. ~a gréine, downward shafts of sunlight, sun drawing water.
Ar chúl na gréine, cut off from the sun.
~ an domhain, na gréine, the earth’s, sun’s, course.
~ ag an ngrian, tanned by the sun.
~ ghréine, lataí, rolláin, sun-, Venetian, roller-, blind.
An ghrian ag damhsa ar an uisce, the sun(light) playing on the water.
An ghrian ag dealramh ar na beanna, the sun shining on the peaks.
Chomh ~ le solas na gréine, as resplendent as the light of the sun.
Ar dheis na gréine, facing the sun.
Dul ~, to follow direction of sun, to go clockwise.
Fad is a bheas grian ag dul ~, whilst the sun follows its course, to the end of time.
Ar dheisiúr na gréine, facing the sun.
Tá an ghrian ag diúltú, the sun is declining.
Dhóigh an ghrian, an sioc, iad, the sun, the frost, burned, seared, them.
An ghrian ag ~eadh ar na beanna, the sun beating down on the peaks.
Donnú le grian, to get sun-tanned.
Dhubhaigh an oíche, an spéir, an ghrian, a ghnúis, the night, the sky, the sun, his face, grew dark.
Thug sé grian is ~ air féin (go), he vowed by the sun and the moon (that).
D’~ an ghrian, an ghealach, the sun, the moon, rose.
Tá an ghrian ag dul ~, the sun is setting.
An ghrian ag dul i bh~, the sun setting (to seawards).
An áit a bhfuineann an ghrian, where the sun sets.
Fia fuinidh, the land of the setting sun, the west; the western land, Ireland.
Tá seacht ngalair an tsléibhe air, he has every disease under the sun.
Grian gharg, searing sun.
An ghrian gheal, the bright sun.
Mar a ngealann grian, where the sun shines bright.
Gheallfadh sé grian is gealach duit, he would promise you the sun and the moon.
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