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teaghlach, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh, gpl. ~).1. Household, family. Duine den ~, a member of the household, one of the family. Tá siad ~ mór ann, they are a large family. An chéad duine den ~, the first of the family. Ag tógáil teaghlaigh, rearing a family. Saol teaghlaigh, domestic life. 2. Lit: Domestic establishment; household troops; retinue. 3 = teallach1.
~ clainne, muintire, teaghlaigh, the father of a family.
~ de theaghlach, de chumann, member of a family, of a society.
~ tí, teaghlaigh, the women of a household.
~ ar theaghlach, an increase in a family.
~ de bhóthar, de shiopa, de theaghlach, branch of road, of shop, of family.
Rinne sé ~ dá theaghlach, he gave precedence to junior member(s) of his family; he messed up his family.
Teaghlach, comhlacht, a bhunú, to found a family, a company.
~ teaghlaigh, founder of family.
~ teaghlaigh, head of household.
~ tí, teaghlaigh, maintenance, upkeep, of a house, of a household.
Teach, teaghlach, a choinneáil, to keep a house, a family.
eile agaibh, den teaghlach, others of you, of the family.
~ dífhostaíochta, teaghlaigh, unemployment, home assistance.
~ tí, teaghlaigh, áite, oibre, the care of a house, of a family, of a place, of a job.
An duine is óige den teaghlach, the youngest of the family.
~ againn, den teaghlach, de na buachaillí, ten of us, of the family, of the boys.
An duine ~ den teaghlach, the last, youngest, member of the family.
~ de na fir, de na mná, de na páistí, den teaghlach, den fhoireann, one of the men, of the women, of the children, of the family, of the team.
~ teaghlaigh, family man.
~ teaghlaigh, stem of family.
1. ~ ar theach, ar theaghlach, ar sheirbhísigh, mistress of a house, of a household, of servants.
~ clainne, teaghlaigh, the mother of a family.
Teaghlach ~, large family.
~ beag an teaghlaigh, the Benjamin of the family.
Teaghlach a rialú, to control a household.
~ teaghlaigh, provision for household.
Lánúin, teaghlach, a ~adh, to separate a married couple, a household.
~ an teaghlaigh, the senior member of the family.
An dá thaobh den teaghlach, both sides of the family.
~ teaghlaigh, major-domo.
Teaghlach a thógáil, to rear a family.
~ teaghlaigh, rearing of family.
~ teaghlaigh, tíre, desertion of family, of country.
Tá sé ina thrillín ar a theaghlach, he is a burden on his family.
A theaghlach go h~, his entire family.
Ceann ~ tí, teaghlaigh, head of household.
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