Ag baint ~í ar a chéile, sparring with each other, trying each other out.
Chuir sé an cheist sin orm do mo bhrath, he put that question to me in order to try me out.
Thug mé iarraidh ar éalú as an seomra, I tried to slip out of the room.
Duine a fhéachaint i gcoimhlint, to try out a person in a contest.
~ a chur ar dhuine; duine a chur ar a fhéachaint, to try s.o. (out).
~ a bhaint as duine, to try s.o. out; to take a rise out of s.o.
~ a bhaint as do neart, to try out one’s strength.
Thriail siad a chéile, they tried each other out.