2. ~ de dhuine, wild, violent, person; huge person.
Oibriú, gluaiseacht, ~, violent impulse.
Tá an ~ nimhe sa cheann aige, he has a violent headache, hangover.
3. Tá an oíche ag dul chun doid, it is getting to be a violent night.
Baineadh an ~ as, he gave a violent start.
An uile ~ dá ndearna siad, every violent deed done by them.
Tá mo cheann ag éirí díom, I have a violent headache.
Duine ~, wild, violent, person.
~ na gaoithe, the violent force of the wind.
Shéidfeadh sé ~ shróine, he would fly into a violent rage.
Éirí ~, to get rough, to become violent.
Dúil mharfach, violent desire.
~ a fháil, to meet a violent death.
~ reilige, violation of graveyard; violation of the memory of the dead; violent upheaval.
3. ~ ghaoithe, violent blasts of wind.
~ ghaoithe, violent gusts of wind.
Fiabhras, pianta, ~, violent fever, pains.
Pianta ~a, violent pains.