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As obair, out of work.
Obair, comhrá, sásamh, a bhaint as duine, to get work, conversation, satisfaction, out of s.o.
Bhí sé as obair, gan airgead, le cuthach, he was out of work, without money, in a fury.
Tá sé cáite ag an obair, he is worn out with work.
Ag ceiliúradh ón obair, backing out of the work.
Duine a choinneáil sa bhaile, ag feitheamh, as a theach, óna chuid oibre, to keep s.o. at home, waiting, out of his house, from his work.
Duine a chur as obair, as a phost, to put s.o. out of work, out of his job.
~ amach duit féin é, work it out for yourself.
~ ruda a fháil; ~ a fháil le, ó, rud, to work hard at, be painstaking with, sth.; to put oneself out to do sth.
Ag leabhrú na hoibre, marking out the work.
Bheith as ~, to be out of work.
Cuireadh as ~ iad, they were put out of work.
6. Rud a oibriú amach, to work out sth.
Ag déanamh ~ do na mairbh, abstaining from work out of respect for the dead.
Gréas saothraithe, worked-out, elaborate, pattern.
Do thalamh a chomhaireamh, to work out one’s position.
Chuir sé isteach a théarma, he worked out his time.
~te i ndiaidh an lae, worn out after the day’s work.
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