bó1, f. (gs. & gpl. ~, npl. ba). 1. Cow. ~ bhainne, bhleacht, milch cow. ~ mhothais, thórmaigh, springer. ~ bhisigh, ~ inlao, in-calf cow. ~ mhaith bhainne, good milker. ~ a dhéanamh díot féin, to make a beast of oneself. S.a. aithne1 1, lear1. 2. ~ mhara, sea-cow, manatee. 3. Ent: ~ shamhraidh, ladybird. S.a. baile1 3, bainne 3, lus.
bó2, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). Beau. ~ aonaigh, dandy, swell. ~ mhór, bigwig.
bó3, int. 1. ~! Boo! 2. ~ ~! Alas!
bó4 : bulla5.
bó5 = bú1.
Ba mhaith liom iad a bheith ann, I would like them to be there.
Is ann ba mhaith léi a hadhlacadh, it was there she wished to be buried.
Níor shéid aon lá as an ~ ba mheasa ná é, there never was a stormier day.
Ba mhaith againn é, it would be well for us to have it.
D’ól mé é ~ ba é an togha é, I drank it and it was first class.
Ba mhaith, ~ liomsa, (you) would like (that), and I would also.
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
Ba é sin eagla na h~ dó, that was a very real fear with him.
Ba mhór an ~ dom é, it would be very handy for me.
~ dhá bhó, two-cow holding.
Chuir siad ~ na mbó maol ar a chéile, they quarrelled on first acquaintance.
Tá ~ na bó istigh, the cow has gone her time.
Ba bhocht an t-~ é, it was a sad sight.
Ba é an t-~ súl é, it was a sight to see.
Ba cheart duit a mbriathra féin a thabhairt ~, you should quote their own words.
Tá na ba ag ~ leis an teas, the cows are gadding with the heat.
~ bó, capall, cow-, horse-, dung.
~ bó, gabhar, cowherd, goatherd.
Bhí an bhó ag cur ~ an ghamhna amach, the cow had a prolapsus (at calving).
Chuaigh an bhó in ~ sa chriathrach, the cow got stuck in the bog.
~ síos na ba, drive, chase, down the cattle.
Ba mhaith an bhail ort go ndearna tú é, it was well for you that you did it.
~ bó, portion of (grass-)land, [’tate’.
~ bó, caorach, gabhair, cow’s, sheep’s, goat’s, milk.
~ bó bleacht(áin), (i) cowslip, (ii) juice of cowslip.
Bhí an bhó ar ~ breith, the cow was about to calve.
Bó ar bhéala breith, i m~ beirthe, cow about to calve.
~ na Bó Finne, the Milky Way.
Ba bhearna réidh leis é, it was no problem for him.
Mar ba bhéas dó, leis, as was his wont.
Rug an bhó, the cow calved.
Ba é an chéad bhia ar an sliogán dó na scéalta sin, he was nurtured on those tales.
Bainne bó bleachtáin, (juice of) cowslip.
Bó a bhleán, to milk a cow.
Ba mhór an ~ an t-airgead, an deoch, air, the money, the drink, softened, sweetened, him a lot.
Ag déanamh, ag baint, ~í timpeall na bó, running, circling, round the cow.
Bó bhradach, thieving, trespassing, cow.
Lao bó bradaí, offspring of dishonest parent(s).
Rinne na ba ~ den ghort, den choirce, the cows trampled the field, the oats.
Ba bhreá liom a bheith ann, I’d love to be there.
Bó atá ~ chun a crúite, cow that is easily milked.
D’imigh na ba le ~, the cows gadded with the heat.
Ba é do bhuaic dul abhaile anois, it would be well for you to go home now.