ó2, m. (gs. ~, pl. óí; gs. uí used in surnames; npl. uí used in historical sept-names; gpl. ~ & dpl. uíbh used in certain place-names). 1. Grandson, grandchild; descendant. Mac agus ó, son and grandson. Níl mac ná ó aige, he has no one to succeed to his name, to his estate. (In counting relationships) An dá ó, second cousins. Ó agus fionnó, second and third cousins. A óí agus a iaróí, his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren. Níl siad ar na hóí le chéile, relations are strained between them. 2. (a) (In surnames) Flann Ó Briain, Flann O’Brien. An Dochtúir Ó hUiginn, Dr O’Higgins. In aimsir Dhónaill Uí Chonaill, in Daniel O’Connell’s time. S.a. bean1 2, iníon 2(b), mac 2(b). (b) (In historical titles) Ó Conchúir Donn, the O’Conor Don. (c) (In ancient sept-names) Uí Néill, the descendants of Niall (Naoighiallach). (d) (In place-names) Uíbh Eachach, Uíbh Ráthach, Iveagh, Iveragh. Doire Ó gConaíle, Derrygonnelly.
ó3, f. (gs. ~). Lit: Ear. Dá ó phill, two horse-ears.
prep. & conj. I. prep. (
pron. forms:
uaim, uait, uaidh m, uaithi f, uainn, uaibh, uathu)
Lenites; combines (i) with article an to form ón, (ii) with poss. adjectives a, ár, to form óna, ónár, (iii) with rel. particles a, ar, to form óna, ónar)
From. 1. (
(Starting point) Ó lár na cathrach, from the centre of the city. Ó thosach an leabhair, from the beginning of the book. Ón taobh thall den abhainn, from the far side of the river. Ó thaobh na láimhe deise, from the right-hand side. Ón aird aniar, from a westerly direction. Ó na glúine síos, from the knees downwards. Uaidh seo soir, from here eastwards. Síos, amach, anonn, ó, down, out, over, from. Sheol siad ó Phort Láirge, they sailed from Waterford. S.a. seo 1(
(Place of origin) Foireann ó Thrá Lí, a team from Tralee. Na fir ón Éirne, the men from the Erne. Ó Luimneach le ceart é, he is really from Limerick. (
(Focal, vantage, point) Labhairt ón ardán, to speak from the stage. Ghlaoigh sé orm ó bhun an staighre, he called me from the bottom of the stairs. Bhí siad ag iascaireacht ó na carraigeacha, they were fishing from the rocks. Breathnaigh uait an tír, look around you at the country. (
(Distance, space) Míle ón stáisiún, a mile from the station. Troigh ó chéile, a foot apart. Cúig slata uait, five yards from you. I bhfad ó do dhaoine, far from your people. Chonaic mé uaim iad, I saw them at a distance. Na cnoic i bhfad uainn, the distant hills. S.a. fada 1, 3. (
(Limit) Ó phunt suas, from a pound upwards. Ó uain ráithe, from three-month-old lambs. Ón rud is lú amuigh, from the least little thing. (
(Time) Ó thús aimsire, from the beginning of time. Ó mhaidin, since morning. Ón Luan seo chugainn, from Monday next. Ó Lá Bealtaine amach, from May Day onwards. Bliain ó inniu, (in) a year from today. Óna óige, from his youth. Is gearr uainn an lá sin, that day is not far distant from us. S.a. sin1 1(
2. (Source, origin, derivation, descent) (
Teas ón tine, heat from the fire. Cabhair ó Dhia, help from God. Bronntanas ó chara, a present from a friend. Fuair sé litir óna mhac, he got a letter from his son. Tarraing ó fhréamh iad, pull them up by the root. An fear ónar sloinneadh iad, the man from whom they got their name. Is uaidh a shíolraigh siad, they are descended from him. Óna athair a thug sé sin, he took after his father in that respect. Ó chroí nó ó bhéal, from the heart or only from the lips. Ó dhúchas agus ó shinsearacht, by birthright and seniority. Is liomsa ó cheart dlí é, it is mine by lawful right. (
Ná creid uaidh é, don’t believe it from him. Níor thuig mé focal uaidh, I didn’t understand a word he said. Comhairle uaimse duit, let me give you a bit of advice. Uaidh féin a chuala mé é, it was from himself I heard it. Níor thit siad uathu féin, they didn’t fall of their own accord. Ó mo thaobhsa de, for my part. (
Is náireach uait é, it is a shame for you. Ba mhaith uaidh é, it was good of him. Nár dheas uainn labhairt leo? Wouldn’t it be nice of us to speak to them? (
(Idiomatic use with certain adjs.) Ba bhreá uaidh ríl a dhamhsa, he could dance a reel very well. Is deas uaidh iomaire a dhéanamh, he can make a nice ridge. 3. (Ground, reason, cause) (
Sáraithe ón lá, exhausted after the day’s work. Buí ó theas na gréine, tanned from the heat of the sun. Bodhar ó thorann an tráchta, deaf from the noise of the traffic. Tuirseach ó bheith ag siúl na sráideanna, tired from walking the streets. Bhí mé cortha ó mo shiúlta, I was weary of my travels. (
Ón aithne atá agam air, from my knowledge of him. Tuigim sin ón méid atá ráite agat, I understand that from what you have said. D’aithin mé ón scaoll a bhí fúthu (go), I recognized from the panic they were in (that). Ní shílfeá sin ó bheith ag caint leis, you wouldn’t think that from talking to him. 4. (
(Separation, absence, loss) Airím uaim iad, I miss them. An té atá uainn thar sáile, the person who has gone from us overseas. Cá bhfuil do phíopa uait? Where have you left your pipe? Ná lig uait an téad, don’t let go the rope. Is cuma liom agam nó uaim é, I don’t care whether I have it or not. Is fearr duit uait iad, you are better off without them. (
(Want, need) Cad tá uait? What do you want? Níl do chomhluadar uainn, we don’t want your company. Ní raibh uaidh ach sin, that was all he needed. (
(Deprivation) Tá sé ó leigheas, he is incurable. Ná lig ó mhaith é, don’t let it become useless. Chuir sé ó mhargadh iad, he made them unmarketable. Chuaigh siad ó chion, they fell into disregard. Tá an chora uaidh, the stepping-stones are under water, out of use. (
(Release, freedom, from) Bheith ó bhaol, to be out of danger. Níl tú ó chúiseamh fós ann, you may still be charged with it. 5. Ó. . . go, from. . . to. (
(Space, extent) Ó thús go deireadh, from beginning to end. Ó bhun go barr, from top to bottom. Ó dhubh (go)
dubh, from dawn to dark. Ó cheann (go) ceann na tíre, from one end of the country to the other. Ó éirí go luí don ghrian, from the rising to the setting of the sun. (
(Movement, continuation, interchange, progression) Ó áit go háit, from place to place. Ó lá go lá, from day to day. Ó athair go mac, from father to son. Cuireadh ó dhuine go duine mé, I was sent from one person to another. Chuaigh sé ó fhocal go focal, one word led to another. Ón mbeagán go dtí an mórán, from less to more. (
(Inclusion) Ó dhuine liath go leanbh, from the grey-haired person to the child, both old and young. (
(Limits) Ó scór go scór go leith, from a score to a score and a half. 6. (After verbs of taking, obtaining, removal, separation, release, withdrawal, abstention, departure, derivation, protection) Rud a fháil, a thógáil, a cheannach, a mhealladh, a ghoid, ó dhuine, to get, take, buy, entice, steal, sth. from s.o. Rudaí a scaradh, a aithint, ó chéile, to separate, distinguish, things from each other. Duine a shábháil, a dhíon, a shaoradh, a fhuascailt, a tharrtháil, ó rud, to save, shelter, free, deliver, rescue, s.o. from sth. Síolrú, fás, ó rud, to spring, grow, from sth. Beir uaim é, take it away from me. Fág uait é, leave it aside. Ní thabharfadh sé uaidh é, he wouldn’t give it away. D’imigh sé uainn, he went away from us. S.a. bain ó,
cuir ó,
gabh ó,
lig ó,
tabhair ó,
tar ó,
téigh2 ó.
7. (
(After certain adjectives) Folamh, glan, lom, ó, empty, clear, bare, of. Saor, slán, ó, free, safe, from. (
Amach ó, see amach 8.II. conj. (Lenites verb in present and future tenses; combines with is of copula to form ós) Since, after. 1. From the time when. Ó chuala mé an scéala, since I heard the news. Ó bhí tú anseo cheana, since you were here before. Ó cuireadh an síol, since the seed was sown. Bliain ó rugadh é, a year after he was born. Ó bhaintear an féar (go), from the time the hay is cut (until). Ó bhrisfear é, once it is broken. 2. For the reason that, inasmuch as. Ó tá mé liom féin, since I am alone. Ó dúirt tú é, as you have said it. Ó nach raibh clann acu, since they had no children. Ó tharla go bhfuil tú anseo, since you happen to be here. Ós teach nua é, since it is a new house. Ós é is fearr acu, since he is the best of them. Ó ba mhian leis suí, since he wished to sit. Ós agat atá an ceart, as you are in the right. Ós ort a bhíomar ag caint, as you were the subject of our conversation.
ó5. (In adv. phrases) Ó thuaidh, ó dheas, northwards, southwards. Taobh ó thuaidh, ó dheas, de, north, south, of.
ó6, int. O! Oh! 1. (Introducing exclamatory phrase) Ó, a Dhia! O God! Ó, go díreach! Oh, indeed! Ó, mo dhearmad! Oh, I forgot! Ó, is fíor é! Oh, it is true! Ó, an bithiúnach! Oh, the scoundrel! Ó, gan pionta agam! O that I had a pint! 2. (After exclamatory phrase) A mhic ó! My dear son! My dear fellow! A mháthair ó! Mother dear! Ár gclann ó! Our dear children! Fill, a rún ó! Come back, oh, my love!
An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Tháinig sé ~ uaidh féin, he conformed of his own accord.
Cuir uait an ~, stop playing like a child.
Ní i bhfad uaidh a chonaic sé an t-~, he had real cause for anxiety.
Is maith an té atá ag tabhairt achasáin uaidh, the pot calling the kettle black.
Bhí sé d’~ orm éalú uathu, I had the good fortune to escape from them.
Ní miste liom agam nó uaim é, I don’t care whether I have it or not.
Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness.
~ gach drochscéil i bhfad uainn, God preserve us from all harm.
Tá ~ na háite, na tíre, ó thuaidh, the place, the country, has a northern aspect.
Bhí na scaotha ~ na scaotha éan ag dul ó dheas, there were flocks and flocks of birds going south.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
Is dóigh go raibh rud éigin uaidh ~ é a theacht anseo, he probably wanted something, seeing that he came here.
Ó théann (sé) ~ go dtéann, ná cuir bac air, since he is going, which he is, don’t stop him.
Ó bhí ~ go raibh, since it was, which is true.
Tá sé ar m’~ ó mhaidin, it has been on my mind all day.
Ó thús, ó thosach, ~e, since the beginning of time.
~ ó neamh, as na flaithis, an angel from heaven.
San ~ ó dheas, in the south, southwards.
Ó bhí an ~ sin ionam, since I was that high.
D’~ mé uaim iad, I missed them.
Aireoidh siad (uathu) a n-athair, they will miss their father.
Fuair siad ~ mhaith uaim, I treated them generously.
Duine a aistriú (ó, go), to transfer s.o. (from, to).
Ó ~ go h~, from place to place.
Rud a ~t ó, thar, rud eile, to distinguish between one thing and another.
Tá sé ag dul as, ó, ~ (na ndaoine), he is changing beyond recognition.
Is beag an t-~ ó bhí sí ina leanbh, it is only a short time since she was a child.
Ó ~ go h~, from time to time.
Ó mo chroí ~, from the bottom of my heart.
Seasaigí ~ uaidh, stand back from him.
Uaidh seo ~, henceforward.
Ó dheich mbliana ~, from ten years onwards.
~ uaidh sin, apart from that.
~ uaim féin, except for myself.
~ ó labhairt leis, except to speak to him.
Ó na bailte móra ~, apart from the towns.
Seachtain ó ~, tomorrow week (future).
Fad m’amhairc uaim, as far away as I can see.
Ag ~ uaim, looking around me, at the scenery.
ag, ar, faoi, le, ó, roimh, thar, trí, um eclipses
An Ceannfort Ó Néill, Commandant O’Neill.
An Breitheamh Ó Riain, Judge Ryan.
Níor tharraing mé m’~ ó mhaidin, I haven’t had a moment’s rest since morning.
Níor tharraing sé (aon) ~ slán ó loiteadh é, he never recovered his health from the time he got hurt.
Tar ~ ó mo chúl, come out from behind me.
~ ó chianaois, from ancient times.
Déan do chomhrá ó b’~ leat suí, have a chat since you seldom sit down.
(Tá sé anseo) ó aréir, ó inné, ~, (he is here) since last night, since yesterday.
Seas ~ uaim, stand over, across, from me.