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Seans gur foirm é bualadh de: buail »
bualadh, m. (gs. buailte, pl. buailtí). 1. vn. of buail. 2. Beating, striking. ~ arbhair, threshing of corn. Inneall, urlár, buailte, threshing machine, floor. ~ báire, match-playing, hurling. ~ bos, clapping of hands, applause. ~ cloiche, stone-bruise. ~ croí, palpitation of the heart. Prov:~ ar an m~ is buille ar an mbuille, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. ~ éadain a thabhairt do rudaí, to take things in their order. Thug sé ~ éadain do na tithe, he visited each house in succession. Ní raibh ~ ar bith ar an iasc inniu, the fish were not taking today. ~ lín, pounding of flax. ~ an lín, na punainne, chugat, I hope you get trounced. ~ loine, slapping of churn-dash. ~ scine, metallic sound; discordant note (in music). ~ síne (i mballa), weathered surface, damp patch (in wall). Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door. ~ slinneáin (i ngunna), kick, recoil (in a gun). Tá ~ mór (daoine)ar na bóithre seo, a great many people pass along these roads, there is a lot of traffic on these roads. Fuair sé ~ millteanach, he got a terrible beating. 3. Surpassing. Níl do bhualadh ann, le fáil, there is no one to beat, surpass, you. Tá ~ an chárta sin agam, I have a better card than that. Níl ~ amach ar an scíth, there is nothing better than a rest. 4. Fight. Bheith i m~, to be in a fight. Bhí ~ mór ann aréir ag an damhsa, there was a big fight last night at the dance. Láthair an bhuailte, scene of engagement.
Tá tú in ~ do bhuailte, you are in for a hiding.
Tá sé in ~ a bhuailte, he is in danger of being beaten.
Bhí sé ~te ar mo bhualadh, he was bent on striking me.
~ a bhualadh, to engage in a contest.
(Is) ~ buailte é, it is a lost game, cause.
~ a bhualadh ar rud, to kick sth.
~ a bhualadh ar dhuine, to accost s.o.; to address s.o. in a wheedling manner.
~ a bhualadh ar dhuine, to play a trick on s.o.
Do bhosa a bhualadh ar a chéile, to clap one’s hands.
Bhíomar ag bualadh bóthair ar feadh an lae, we were tramping the road all day.
1. Duine, rud, a bhualadh, to beat, strike, s.o., sth.
Arbhar a bhualadh, to thresh corn.
Bainne a bhualadh, to churn milk.
Ubh a bhualadh, to beat up an egg.
Sciatháin a bhualadh, to flap wings.
Bhí na gainéid ag bualadh, the gannets were diving.
Druma a bhualadh, to beat a drum.
Port a bhualadh, to play a tune.
Ag bualadh píbe, téad, playing on bagpipes, on a stringed instrument.
Tá an doras ag bualadh, the door is rattling.
Croí, cuisle, ag bualadh, heart, pulse, beating.
Tá an chneá ag bualadh, the wound is throbbing.
Iarann a bhualadh, to beat out iron.
Airgead a bhualadh, to mint money.
Bonn a bhualadh, to strike a coin, a medal.
Cosán a bhualadh, to beat a path.
Arm a bhualadh, to defeat an army.
Cárta a bhualadh, to beat, trump, a card.
Duine a bhualadh i gcoimhlint, i gcluiche, to beat s.o. in a contest, in a game.
Tá mé ~te ag do cheist, your question has me stumped.
Tá an fear sin ~te, that man is beaten, finished.
Tá an lá inniu ~te, there will be no work, no more work, done today.
Ní raibh mé ~te riamh go dtí anois, I was never in such a sorry plight.
Níl tú ~te nuair atá do shláinte agat, you are not too badly off while you have your health.
Tír, cladach, a bhualadh, to touch land, shore.
Cuan, port, a bhualadh, to make harbour, port.
Tá na barra ~te anuas ag an stoirm, the crops are beaten down by the storm.
Ag bualadh ar an díon, beating against the roof.
Ag bualadh ar an veidhlín, ar an bpíb, playing on the violin, on the bagpipes.
Comhrá a bhualadh ar dhuine, to engage s.o. in conversation.
5. ~te ar, touching upon, adjoining.
Tá na tithe ~te ar a chéile anseo, the houses here adjoin, are set close together.
Tá sé ~te ar bharr na haille, it is set on the very edge of the cliff.
Bhí an citeal ~te anuas ar an tine, the kettle was down on top of the fire.
Tá a dhá thaobh ~te ar a chéile, its two sides are pressed together; he is extremely thin.
Tá a cheann agus a chosa ~te ar a chéile, he is bent double.
Bualadh chun poirt, chun an aonaigh, to make for port, set off for the fair.
Bualadh chun cainte le duine, to join in conversation with s.o.
Bualadh chuige, to beat up to windward.
Bualadh faoi bhalla, to hit against a wall.
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