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ceart1, m. (gs. cirt, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Right. 1. (a) What is morally just. ~ agus éigeart, right and wrong. An ~ a dhéanamh, to do what is right. Rinne tú an ~ leis, you did right by him. Má tá ~ le fáil, if there is justice in the world; if one may expect justice. I láthair an chirt, where justice is meted out; in a court of justice. S.a. cóir1 1, neart 1(a). (b) Just claim or title. ~(a) an duine, the rights of man. ~ dlí, dúchais, legal, hereditary, right. ~a sibhialta, civil rights. ~ iascaigh, seilge, fishing, sporting, rights. ~ slí, right of way. ~a solais, ancient lights. ~ úsáide, usufruct. ~ vótála, franchise. ~a an phósta, conjugal rights. Do cheart a éileamh, a chosaint, to claim, defend, one’s rights. Tá ~ agam air, I have a right to it. Is maith a cheart air, he has a good right to it. Thug sin ~ dó air, that entitled him to it. (c) Fairness, fair play. An ~ a sheasamh do dhuine, to see justice done to s.o. Níor sheas tú ~ dom, you did not stand up for me. Rinne sé an ~ eadrainn, he decided fairly between us. Is maith an fear cirt é, he is a good umpire, likes fair play. I g~ comhlainn, in fair fight. Tabhair ~ fir dó, give him a chance to defend himself, fight him fair. An ~ choíche! Let us be perfectly fair! (d) Due, fair share. A cheart a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. his due. Lena cheart (féin) a thabhairt dó, to give him his due. Tabhair a cheart tuarastail dó, pay him a proper wage. Fuair tú a g~ de luach orthu, you got a fair price for them. Thug mé a cheart den bhata dó, I took the stick to him as he deserved. Rinne sé a cheart oibre, he did his proper share of work. Tá mo cheart le déanamh agam, I have enough to do. Is é do cheart d’ainm é, it is the name you deserve. Tá do cheart ann, your due amount is there; you have your share of it. Tá níos mó ná an ~ ann, it exceeds the correct amount. D’ól sé braon thar an g~, he had one too many. (e) Proper usage. A cheart a thabhairt do rud, to treat something properly. Sin peann maith má thugann tú a cheart dó, that is a good pen if you use it properly. Thug sé a cheart do gach focal, he gave each word its proper value. Níor thug sibh a cheart don bhia, you did not do justice to the food. Tá ~ na teanga aige, he speaks the language correctly. Gach duine acu ar a g~, each in due course. (f) Correct statement or interpretation. Tá an ~ agat, you are right. Bhí cuid den cheart ansin aige, he was partly right in that. Ní raibh mé i bhfad ón g~, I was not far wrong. Shíl tú an ~, you thought right. (g) Proper act, duty. Is é do cheart labhairt leis, you ought to speak to him. Ba é do cheart sin a insint dom, you should have told me that. Is maith an ~ dom a bheith buíoch de, I ought to be very grateful to him. Is olc an ~ dó é, it ill becomes him. Níorbh é mo cheart dearmad a dhéanamh de, I ought not to have forgotten him. An rachaidh tú? Is é sin mo cheart. Will you go? It is right that I should. Is é mo cheart aithne a bheith agam ort, I ought to recognize you. (h) Tá ~ agat a bheith tuirseach, you must be tired. (i) ~ a bhaint de dhuine, de rud, to cope with s.o., sth. Is doiligh ~ a bhaint de, it is hard to deal with him. Ní thig léi ~ ar bith a bhaint den ógánach sin aici, she can get no good out of that young fellow of hers. Bhain sé ~ den iomlán acu, he held his own against the whole lot of them. 2. (Used with various prepositions and prepositional phrases) (a) De cheart, by right. Tá sé de cheart agat saoire a ghlacadh, you are entitled to take a holiday. Bhí sé de cheart acu suí, they were entitled to sit; they should have sat down. De réir cirt, in accordance with justice. (b) I g~, right, aright. Rud a chur i g~, ina cheart, to set sth. right. Tá sé i g~ agam, I have it right. Rinne tú i g~ é, you did it right; you did right. Tá sin i g~, sa cheart, that’s fine, just right. Tá tú sa cheart, you are in the right. Tá i g~! All’s well. Tá an saol ag gabháil i g~, all’s well with the world. Ní thuigim i g~ é, I don’t understand him, it, properly. Níl a fhios agam i g~, I don’t really know. Tá sé fuar i g~, it is quite cold. Bhí siad mór i g~ le chéile, they were very friendly indeed. Tá tú i g~, you are all right; stay as you are. (c) (Used negatively in reference to insanity) Níl an fear sin i g~, that man is not right in the head. Duine nach bhfuil i g~, one who is not in his right mind. (d) Le ~, by right. Le ~ nó le héigeart, rightly or wrongly. Níl a fhios agam le ~, I don’t know rightly, to be exact. Ní dochtúir le ~ é, he is not really a doctor. (e) Ó cheart, properly, originally. An té ar leis ó cheart é, the person to whom it properly belongs. As Éirinn ó cheart iad, they came originally from Ireland. De Niallach ó cheart í, her maiden name was O’Neill.
ceart2, a1. Right. 1. Just, proper. An rud ~ a dhéanamh, to do the right thing. Is é is ~ a dhéanamh, it is what ought to be done. Tá an chiall cheart aige, he has proper sense. Thug sí aire cheart do na páistí, she took proper care of the children. Ba cheart duit labhairt leis, you should speak to him. Níl sé ~ agat a bheith ag caint mar sin, you shouldn’t talk like that. Bhí sé ~ agat é a rá, you should have said it. Measaim gur ~ é, I think it is right, proper. Níl sé ~ ná cóir, it is neither right nor just. Ba cheart dó a bheith láidir má lean sé a athair, he should be strong if he took after his father. 2. True, correct. An fear, an teach, an t-ainm, an lá, an bealach, ~, the right man, house, name, day, way. An focal, an freagra, an tomhas, ~, the right word, answer, measure. An chiall cheart a bhaint as rud, to take the right meaning out of sth. An chaoi cheart lena dhéanamh, the right way to do it. Bhí an bharúil cheart agam, I was right in my opinion. An taobh ~, the right, proper, side. Gaeilge cheart, correct Irish. Tá tú ~, you are right; you are all right. Tá ~! All right! 3. Mar is ~, aright, properly. Rud a dhéanamh mar is ~, to do something right. Lena rá mar is ~, to say it properly. Tá sin mar is ~, that is as it should be. Níl sé leat mar is ~, you haven’t got it right. Dearc mar is ~ air, consider it properly. Mar ba cheart dó a bheith, as it should be. 4. True, real. File, scéalaí, ~, true poet, story-teller. Amadán, rógaire, ~, proper fool, rogue. Cogadh ~, real war, war in earnest. Bhí fearg cheart air, he was really angry. Tá siad ag obair go ~ anois, they are really working now. 5. Good, excellent. Sibh na páistí ~a, you are really good children. Is ~ an seanduine é, he is a great old man. Is ~ an Béarla atá aige, he speaks really good English. Nach ~ a bhí a fhios agat? How well you knew! Is ~ é! He is great, he is doing well. 6. Sane. (Used negatively) Níl an fear sin ~, that man is not right in the head. 7. ~ go leor, right enough; all right. Tá sé ~ go leor, he is all right. Fuair mé é ~ go leor, I got it all right. Tá, ~ go leor, yes, sure enough.
ceart3, m = ceartán.
~, abraimis, go bhfuil an ceart agat, assuming that you are right.
D’~ sé go raibh an ceart agam, he admitted that I was right.
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
An t-~ a chur ina cheart, to right a wrong.
Tá mo cheart ar m’~, I have enough to do.
Níor ~ mé i gceart é, I didn’t quite catch it.
Tá an ~ cheart anois agam air, now I really know him (his identity, nature).
Tá mé in ~, san ~, an bhfuil an ceart agat, I am doubtful whether you are right.
Ba cheart duit a mbriathra féin a thabhairt ~, you should quote their own words.
Tá ceart dúchais agam air, I have a hereditary right to it.
~ na gceart sibhialta, the restoration of civil rights.
~ chearta an phósta, restitution of conjugal rights.
Clú, ceart, a bhaint amach, to gain a reputation, a right.
Duine a chur ar an m~ ceart, to put s.o. on the right road.
Dá bhrí duit gur cheart do dhuine a bheith faichilleach, which goes to show that one should be cautious.
Bhí mé chomh ceart is a bhí mé ~, I was as much in the right as in the wrong.
Bhí ~ ceart air, he was in a rancorous mood.
Lig sé a cheart ar ~, he forfeited his right.
An ~ ceart, contráilte, de rud, the right, wrong, end of sth.
~aim go bhfuil an ceart agat, I think you are right.
Chan fhuil sin ceart, that is not right.
Níor chuir tú chuige i gceart, you did not go the right way about it.
An chiall cheart a bhaint as rud, to interpret sth. correctly.
Is é an ~ (ceart) é! What a sly-boots!
Tá an ~ ceart iontu, they are of the right quality.
Ní chinnfinn céim thar ceart, I would not go one step further than I should.
Ceart agus ~, right and justice.
Níl ceart ná ~ aige, there is neither right nor justice on his side; he is altogether wrong.
Ach an chóir cheart a bheith agat, provided one has, had, the right equipment.
Níl sé ceart ná ~, it is neither right nor just.
Saol ceart ~, true social order.
I gceart comhlainn, in fair fight.
Ceart nó ~ mé, whether I am right or wrong.
Go ceart ~, well and truly.
~ cirt, cúise, duine, tíre, anama, defence of right, of cause, of person, of country, of life.
~im go bhfuil an ceart agat, I suppose you are right.
Ba cheart duit ~ éigin a chur ort féin, you should make some plans for yourself.
Tá a chroí san áit cheart, his heart is in the right place.
Ceart crosta, right of veto.
Chruthaigh sé go raibh an ceart aige, he proved that he was right.
Chruthaigh sé (go dubh is go bán) orm go raibh an ceart aige, he asserted (in unmistakable terms) to me that he was right.
Tá ~ den cheart agat, you are partly right.
Níor chuir tú an t-airgead ina cheart, you did not use the money properly.
Ba cheart duit do ghnó a chur chun cinn níos fearr ná sin, you should do better than that to promote your business.
Rud a chur i gceart, in ord, i bhfeidhm, to put sth. right, in order, into effect.
Ba cheart duit é a chur ina luí air, you should impress it on him.
Cúngú ar cheart duine, to encroach on s.o.’s rights.
Ceart, cóir, a dhámhachtain do dhuine, to accord right, justice, to s.o.
Bíodh do bharúil féin agat ach tá an ceart aige, ~ liomsa, you may hold your own opinion, but I think he is right.
go, gur, nach, nár) ~ liom go bhfuil an ceart agat, it seems to me that you are right.
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