Tá clú file air, he has the reputation of being a poet.
Clú, ceart, a bhaint amach, to gain a reputation, a right.
Bhain sin óna chlú, that took from his reputation.
Tá ~ aige ar a chlú, ar a anam, he is mindful of his reputation, of his soul.
~ ar chlú, blow to reputation, to character.
Bhris siad a chlú, they took away his good name, destroyed his reputation.
Clú duine a cháibleáil, to drag down s.o.’s reputation.
Tá clú agus ~ air, he is honoured and respected.
Ba chaomh do chlú, fair was your fame.
Níor chlú gan cheannach é, the reputation was well-earned.
Níor cheil sí a chlú air, she told everybody all about him.
~ ar chlú, blot on reputation.
~ a thabhú (duit féin), to earn a reputation (for oneself).
Tharraing sé ~ air féin, he distinguished himself.
An té is mó ~ , the person of highest reputation.
Is mór an ~ duit é, it does you great credit.
Tá an ~ sin air, he has that name.
Tá a chlú i ngeall air, his honour is at stake in it.
Do chlú a chailleadh, to lose one’s good name.
A chlú a bhaint de dhuine, ~ duine a bhriseadh, to take away, destroy, the good name of s.o.
Mhill, scaip, siad a chlú, they defamed his character.
Is fearr ~ ná conách, a good name is better than riches.
Is fuar an rud ~ gan chara, fame without friends is a cheerless thing.
An té a chailleas a chlú cailleann sé a náire, he who becomes lost to honour becomes lost to shame.
Cuireadh a chlú lena chois, his reputation followed him.
Do chlú a chosaint, to defend one’s reputation.
A chlú is a chreidiúint, his name and reputation.
Tá do chuid is do bhuíochas (do chlú, d’oineach) agat, ‘you have your meat and your manners,’ thanks for your offer.
Cur le ciste, le scéal, le clú duine, to add to a fund, to a story, to s.o.’s reputation.
Tá sé de chlú air (go), he has the reputation (of).
Is mór ag duine a dhea-chlú, one’s good name is to be cherished.
Clú ~, world-wide reputation.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to defame s.o.
~ a thuilleamh, a tharraingt ort féin, to gain oneself a bad name.
Lucht, teach, ~, people, a house, of ill repute.
Clú, onóir, céim, a fháil, to get a reputation, an honour, a degree.
Chuaigh a chlú ar ~ na tíre, his fame spread throughout the land.
Tá a chlú i n~ air, his reputation depends on it.
Clú na comharsan a ghoid, to take away a neighbour’s character.
Thuill sé clú le peannaireacht, he earned a reputation for penmanship.
Clú duine a mhaslú, to revile s.o.’s character, draw opprobrium on s.o.
~eadh a chlú, his reputation was destroyed.
Níor chosain sé a ainm ~ a chlú, he didn’t defend his name or reputation.
Clú gan ~, unblemished reputation.
Do chlú a ~, to barter one’s reputation.
Do chlú a shalú, to sully one’s reputation.
~ siad a chlú, they spread ill report of him, ruined his reputation.
Sheas siad clú don tír, they kept up the honour of the country.
~ a chur ar chlú duine, to tarnish s.o.’s reputation.
Thabhaigh sé clú dó féin, he gained a reputation for himself.