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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bruinnigh · crainnigh · coinnigh · cruinnis · cruinniú
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cruinnigh, v.t. & i. Gather. 1. Assemble. Daoine a chruinniú (le chéile, in áit), to gather people (together, in a place). Cruinniú in áit, to gather in a place. Cruinniú thart, timpeall, ar dhuine, to gather round s.o. 2. Collect. Clocha a chruinniú, to gather stones. Síntiúis a chruinniú, to collect subscriptions. Airgead a chruinniú, to collect, acquire, money. Ag cruinniú stóir, amassing wealth. Bhí sé ag cruinniú a choda, he was begging for his bread. 3. Draw together. Éadach a chruinniú, to gather, pucker, cloth. Chruinnigh sé na malaí, he puckered his brows. Tú féin a chruinniú suas, to pull oneself together. ~ do chosa i gceann a chéile, draw in your feet. 4. Summon up, recover. Do neart a chruinniú, to gather one’s strength. Do mhisneach a chruinniú, to summon up one’s courage. Do mheabhair, do smaointe, a chruinniú, to collect one’s wits, thoughts. Ag cruinniú snó, gathering colour. 5. Converge, focus (ar, on). Gathanna a chruinniú, to focus rays. Bhí siad ag cruinniú ar an teach, they were converging on the house. 6. Make more exact. Do chuid cainte a chruinniú, to be more exact in one’s speech. 7. Form. Tá an cabáiste ag cruinniú, the cabbage is forming a head. Im ag cruinniú, butter forming (in churning). Níl na prátaí ach ag cruinniú faoi na gais, the potatoes are just forming under the stalks. Ní mó ná go raibh sé cruinnithe i mbroinn, he had hardly taken shape in the womb.
Ag bainis, cruinniú, at a wedding, a meeting.
Bhí cruinniú againn, we had a meeting.
Bhí ~ an chruinnithe air, he was the centre of attraction at the meeting.
Ag cruinniú roimhe is ag bailiú ina dhiaidh, gathering up everything he can lay hands on.
~ a chruinniú, to gather sticks, kindling.
Cruinniú ~, noisy, stormy, meeting.
I g~ cruinnithe, ar chruinniú, presiding at a meeting.
Ag cruinniú ~, gleaning (corn).
Tháinig ~ orm os comhair an chruinnithe, I got nervous in front of the gathering.
Dul ~ áit, cruinniú, to go to a place, to a meeting.
Ag cruinniú ~í, gathering sticks.
Tháinig ~ ar lucht an chruinnithe, the people at the meeting became agitated.
Aonach, cruinniú, a chomóradh, to convene a fair, a gathering.
I g~ an chruinnithe, in the very midst of the gathering.
~ daoine, a gathering of people.
~ a chur ar dhaoine, to call people together, summon people to a meeting.
~ a thionól, to hold a meeting.
Bhí ~ againn aréir, we had a meeting last night.
~ coiste, de choiste, committee meeting.
Labhairt le ~, to address a meeting.
B’éigean di ~ a chur ar an obair, she had to gather help for the work.
Cruinnithe a chur in éadach, to pucker cloth.
Cruinniú a chur siar, to postpone a meeting.
~ chun cruinnithe a thabhairt do dhuine, to summon s.o. to a meeting.
Casadh orm é i n~ an chruinnithe, I met him after the meeting.
Tá ~ ag cruinniú thiar, dark clouds are gathering in the west.
~ cruinnithe, tionóisce, trialach, notice of meeting, of accident, of trial.
~ cruinnithe, embroidery frame, tambour.
Tá sé sna ~í tógála, sna ~í cruinnithe, it is in the process of being done, well on the way to completion.
Níor ~eadh chun an chruinnithe iad, they were not summoned to the meeting.
Cruinniú, ordú, eolas, téarma, ~, general meeting, order, knowledge, term.
4. ~ cruinnithe, assembly hall.
~t ag cruinniú, to speak at, address, a meeting.
~ chruinnithe, meeting-place.
Ag cruinniú lóin, gathering provisions; gathering store, wealth.
I ~ chruinnithe, chuideachta, in the midst of a gathering, of company.
~ an chruinnithe, the people at the gathering.
Na ~í a chruinniú, to knit one’s brows.
Do mheabhair a chruinniú, to collect one’s thoughts.
I ~ an chruinnithe, in the midst of the gathering.
~í cruinnithe, minutes of meeting.
~ cruinnithe, focussing screen.
Bhí siad ag cruinniú chun an phobail, they were coming to join the congregation, gathering for church service.
Cruinniú, cuideachta, dualgas, ~, statutory meeting, company, duty.
~ an cruinniú, the meeting dispersed.
~ cruinnithe, break-up of meeting.
Cuireadh ~ an cruinniú, the meeting was postponed.
Shiúil sé amach as an gcruinniú, he walked out of the meeting.
Tá siad ag cruinniú ina ~ite, they are gathering in great numbers.
Shnámh siad isteach chun an chruinnithe, they wormed their way into the meeting.
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