culaith, f. (gs. ~e, pl. -ltacha). 1. Suit, dress, apparel. ~ éadaigh, suit of clothes. ~ fir, mná, man’s, woman’s, suit, dress. ~ bhréidín, tweed suit. ~ shíoda, silk dress. ~ Dhomhnaigh, Sunday suit. ~ Aifrinn, Mass vestments. ~ oibre, working clothes. ~ saighdiúra, mairnéalaigh, soldier’s, sailor’s, uniform. ~ mhairnéalaigh, sailor suit. ~ shnámha, bathing-suit. ~ chruach, suit of steel armour. ~ fir tíre, civilian suit. ~ chaite gach aon lae, everyday suit. 2. Gear, equipment. ~ capaill, horse trappings, harness. ~ loinge, ship’s (sails and) rigging. ~ céachta, plough fittings. ~ imeartha, playing equipment; pack of playing-cards. ~ scríbhneoireachta, writing-materials. ~ shaoirse, craftman’s tools. ~ airm agus éide, (outfit of) arms and uniform. ~ chatha, battle equipment. ~ ghaisce, martial equipment; (of story-telling, speech, writing) flourishes. ~ ghaisce a chur ar do chuid cainte, to use high-flown speech, to talk heroics.
Tá ~ culaithe ann, there is (enough) material in it for a suit.
Culaith a chur in ~, to bespeak a suit.
Culaith nua ~ as an bpíosa, ~ ón tsnáthaid, a new suit just completed.
Bhí culaith ghorm orm, I was wearing a blue suit.
Culaith athláimhe, cast-off suit.
Culaith bhocht, shabby suit.
Culaith bhreá éadaigh, good suit of clothes.
Tá do chulaith ag ~eamh go maith, your suit is wearing well.
Culaith chaite gach aon lae, suit for everyday wear.
Is ~ an chulaith éadaigh í, it is a beautiful suit of clothes.
Culaith cheannaíochta, ready-made suit.
Culaith faoi choinne an Domhnaigh, a suit for wearing on Sunday.
Culaith a chumadh le duine, to make a suit to fit s.o.
Culaith, cathaoir, inneall, gunna, a dhéanamh, to make a suit, a chair, an engine, a gun.
Culaith den ~ sin, a suit of that make, cut.
Tá ~ maith sa chulaith sin, there is good material in that suit.
~na chulaith Dhomhnaigh, wearing his Sunday suit.
~eann an chulaith dó, the suit fits him, looks well on him.
Culaith nua (amach) as an bh~, brand-new suit.
Culaith fhiúntach éadaigh, decent suit of clothes.
Margadh, culaith nua, an tseamróg, a fhliuchadh, to wet, celebrate (with drink), a bargain, a new suit, the shamrock.
~ann sé le do chulaith, it goes with your suit.
Cuir síoda, culaith shíoda, ar ghabhar agus is ~ i gcónaí é, you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Culaith a ghearradh do dhuine, to cut a suit for s.o.
Níl ~ ná déanamh ar na cultacha aige, his suits are neither well cut nor well made.
Miosúr duine a ghlacadh (le culaith), to take s.o.’s measurements (for a suit).
Culaith ghlas caorach, homespun suit.
Ina chulaith Dhomhnaigh, in his Sunday suit.
Ba í an chulaith ab fhearr agam í, it was the best suit I had.
Páirc, culaith, imeartha, playing-field, -outfit.
Culaith ~, wearable, presentable, suit.
Má tá mo chulaith ~, if my dress is humble.
Dá bhfeicfeá é lena chulaith nua, if you saw him with his new suit.
~ sé a chulaith as stá, he let his suit get shabby.
D’fhág sé a mhiosúr le culaith éadaigh, he had himself measured for a suit of clothes.
Culaith, bróga, ~, new suit, shoes.
Oiriúnaíonn an chulaith thú, the suit fits you.
Culaith amach as an b~, brand-new suit.
Tá a sháith de chulaith air, his suit is good enough; what a grand suit he is wearing.
Culaith sheanré, period costume.
Culaith i ~, a suit in good condition, looking new.
Culaith shuaithinseach, showy dress; gorgeous dress.
~ do chulaith nua dóibh, show them your new suit.
Taitníonn do chulaith liom, I like your suit.
Rachaidh sé le do chulaith, it will match your suit.
Thogh sí culaith dheas di féin, she picked out a nice dress for herself.