nua1, m. (gs. ~). Newness; new thing. An sean agus an ~, the old and the new. ~ gach bia agus sean gach dí, fresh food and mature drink (are best). Bhí ~ gach bia agus sean gach dí ann, the best of food and drink was provided, it was a real feast. As an ~, anew, afresh. Tosaigh arís as an ~ air, start it all over again. Bhí sé le déanamh as an ~ agam, I had to do it all over again.
nua2, a. (gsm. & pl. ~, gsf. & comp. ~í). New; fresh, recent, novel. Culaith, bróga, ~, new suit, shoes. Teach ~, new, newly-built, newly-acquired, house. Alt ~, new, fresh, paragraph. Mapa ~, new, up-to-date, map. Faisean ~, new, newly-introduced, fashion. Ar bhealach ~, in a new, original, way. Dearcadh ~, new, different, outlook. Réalta ~, new, newly-discovered, star. An máistir, na scoláirí, ~, the new master, pupils. I rang ~, in a new class. Bhí sé ~ againn, it was a change for us; we found it a novelty. S.a. scéal 4.
Aistí agus ealaíona nua, new arts and crafts.
An t-~ luath, nua, summer-time.
Faisean nua atá ag teacht ~, a new fashion that is being introduced.
Nuair a tháinig an dlí nua ~, when the new law was introduced.
Culaith nua ~ as an bpíosa, ~ ón tsnáthaid, a new suit just completed.
An Bhliain Nua, Úr, the New Year.
An ~ nua, the new (season’s) barley; welcome change of food.
Is é an ~ nua sibh a fheiceáil arís, it is just wonderful to see you again.
Fuaireamar múinteoir nua, we got a new teacher.
Culaith nua (amach) as an bh~, brand-new suit.
Margadh, culaith nua, an tseamróg, a fhliuchadh, to wet, celebrate (with drink), a bargain, a new suit, the shamrock.
Níorbh fholáir dóibh bróga nua a fháil, they had to get new shoes.
~ a dhéanamh do scoil nua, do dhuine i gcruachás, to ask for subscriptions for a new school, for a person in distress.
Dá bhfeicfeá é lena chulaith nua, if you saw him with his new suit.
An ~ nua, the new learning.
Go ~e sibh bhur saol nua, may you enjoy your new life; congratulations on your marriage.
Mhair sé an carr nua dom, he wished me luck with the new car.
Ós teach nua é, since it is a new house.
~í nua, ~í úra, new potatoes.
Ní ~ nua, it is nothing new.
~ nua, a new thing; a novelty.
~ scéal nua! This is news!
Is mór an ~ na prátaí nua, an t-iasc úr, the new potatoes, the fresh fish, are a treat.
~ do chulaith nua dóibh, show them your new suit.
An T~ Nua, the New Testament.
~ réime nua, setting-up of new regime.
Chuir sé ~ le ré nua, it brought in a new era.
Níl ~ ar bith sna bróga nua seo, there is no give in these new shoes.