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Focail chosúla: domhain · domhian · damhán · Doha · dolman
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domhan, m. (gs. & npl. -ain, gpl. ~).1. Earth, world. (a)An D~, the Earth. Ar ~, sa ~, on earth, in the world. Tíortha, ciníocha, iontais, an domhain, the countries, peoples, wonders, of the world. Ar fud an domhain, all over the world. An ~ a shiúl, to travel the world. An ~ thíos, the lower world. An ~ thoir, thiar, the eastern, western, world. Chluinfeá sa ~ thoir é, you could hear him anywhere. clár17 (c).(b) World, universe. Go lá dheireadh an domhain, till the end of time. Dá bhfaigheadh sé an ~ mór, if he were to gain the whole world. Ní den ~, anything, (with neg.) nothing, at all. Is beag den ~ é, it is very little indeed. Is cuma liom den ~, I don’t care in the least. Ní fheadar den ~, I don’t know at all. Níl fuacht den ~ ann, there is no cold whatsoever. Níl eagla ar ~ air, he is not a bit afraid. Gan cúis ar ~, for no earthly reason. Gan dabht ar ~, without a doubt in the world. Pé ar ~ é, anyway, in any case. (c)Lit: The earthly life, secular interests. Scaradh leis an ~, to forsake the world. Bua a bhreith ó dhomhan agus ó dheamhan, to overcome the world and the devil. (d) Vast number or quantity. An ~ (mór, brách) de rud, a vast amount of sth. Rinne sé an ~ oibre, he did an enormous amount of work. Tá an ~ saibhris aige, he is immensely rich. Bhí an ~ daoine ann, there was a huge concourse of people. Bhí an ~ is a mháthair ann, everybody who could come was there. Slua, eolas, acmhainn, an domhain, vast crowd, knowledge, resources. Tá meas an domhain, an ~ measa, acu air, they think the world of him. Bhí áthas, iontas, an domhain orm, I was extremely glad, surprised. 2. Lit: Domain. A dhomhan dúchais, his ancestral domain. Gach fear is a dhomhan féin, each (man) in his own domain.
As ceithre hairde an domhain, na cruinne, from the four quarters of the earth.
An domhan, the world.
Gach ~ den teach, den domhan, every place in the house, in the world.
Ar bhás an domhain, under no circumstances.
Ag breith (amach) ar an domhain, bearing out to sea.
Bhí an saol, an domhan, ~ ann, everybody was there.
Tá an domhan ~ le rá aige, he never stops talking.
Ar feadh an bheatha, an domhain, an tsaoil, bhraonaigh, throughout the whole wide world.
Tá an domhan mór ag cur buartha uirthi, she concerns herself with everything, talks about everybody’s business.
I g~ an domhain, while the world lasts, to the end of time.
Glóir dhíomuan an domhain ché, the transient glory of this earth.
Gach ~ den domhan, every corner of the world.
Ciníocha an domhain, the peoples of the earth.
An domhan cláir, the wide world.
Ceithre ~a an domhain, the four corners of the earth.
~ na hÉireann, an domhain, the championship of Ireland, of the world.
~ an domhain, the territories, countries, of the world.
Domhan ~, round world.
~ an domhain, the creation of the world.
Shiúil sé an domhan ar a chúinní, he travelled all the corners of the earth.
~ an domhain, na gréine, the earth’s, sun’s, course.
Gan ~ (ar domhan), without (a shadow of) doubt.
Gan luí a thabhairt faoi dháil ar domhan, not to take an oath before any tribunal whatsoever.
Cibé ar domhan de, but howsoever.
Go ~ an domhain, to the ends of the earth.
Bheith domhain sa ~, to be deeply committed to sth.
~ chréafóige, uisce, depth of clay, of water.
~ de phortach, depth of bog.
~ na farraige, the deep sea.
Snámh ar an ~, to swim in deep water.
Sa, ar an, ~ mhór, in, on, the ocean deep.
I n~, ar dhomhain, na hoíche, deep in the night.
Poll, gearradh, ~, deep hole, cut.
Go) ~ san uisce, sa bhairille, deep, low down, in the water, in the barrel.
(Go) ~ sa talamh, sa chnámh, deep in the ground, in the bone.
Tá an aicíd go ~ ann, the disease has got a firm hold of him.
Tá sé go ~ i bhfiacha, he is sunk in debt.
Bhí siad go ~ i gceilg, they were engaged in deep conspiracy.
Is ~ leis ina bhás é, it is like a mortal blow to him.
Go ~ sa mhachnamh, deep in thought.
Tá sé go ~ sa leabhar, he is engrossed in the book.
Nach tú atá ~ ar na gnóthaí? Aren’t you deeply interested in such matters?
Dul go ~ i scéal, to probe deeply into a story.
Staidéar, eolas, ~, deep study, knowledge.
Codladh, tost, ~, deep sleep, silence.
Ag meabhrú go ~, pondering deeply.
Is ~ an intinn atá aige, he has a profound mind.
Is ~ an duine é, he is a deep-thinking person; he is hard to fathom.
Caint dhomhain, profound, recondite, speech.
Dath ~, deep colour.
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