Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é done de: do »
Tá iontráil i bhFoclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge i dtaobh done »
done. See DO1 .
He acknowledged having done it, d'admhaigh sé go ndearna sé é.
After all (is said and done), tar éis an tsaoil; i ndiaidh gach ní.
I am fully alive to the honour they have done me, tá tuiscint mhaith agam ar an onóir a fuair mé uathu.
When all is said and done, tar éis an tsaoil.
To appoint that sth. shall be done, cinneadh go ndéanfar rud; ordú go ndéanfar rud.
I fully appreciate all you have done, is mór mo mheas ar a ndearna tú.
I approve of your having done it, is maith liom go ndearna tú é.
His argument is that gold should be done away with, is é an cás atá aige gur ceart deireadh a chur le hór.
To make arrangements to do sth., for sth. to be done, socrú le rud a dhéanamh, go ndéanfaí rud.
It is done in this manner, ar an gcaoi seo a dhéantar é.
What is to be done? céard tá le déanamh?
It ought to have been done before now, ba chóir a dhéanamh, ba chóir dó a bheith déanta, cheana.
Well begun is half done, dhá thrian cuidithe tosú; tús maith leath na hoibre.
But for you I was done for, bhí mé réidh gan tusa, murach thusa.
I have done my duty by him, rinne mé mo dhualgas ina leith.
It cannot be done, ní féidir a dhéanamh, níl sé indéanta.
He could have done it if he had wanted to, d'fhéadfadh sé é a dhéanamh dá dtogródh sé é.
Take care that that shall be done, tabhair do d'aire go ndéanfar é sin.
To cause sth. to be done, rud a chur á dhéanamh; cur faoi deara rud a dhéanamh.
It was done at, by, his command, rinneadh ar a ordú sin é.
To condition that sth. be done, a chur mar choinníoll go ndéanfaí rud.
This was done with his connivance, go bhfios dó a rinneadh é seo.
Consider it as done, is ionann agus go bhfuil sé déanta.
He is credited with having done it, cuirtear ina leith (go ndearna sé) é.
F: There's no great damage done, níl aon dochar déanta.
It is dead and done for, tá sé caite i dtraipisí.
F: Meat done to death, feoil dhóite.
Fashion that has been done to death, faisean atá seanchaite.
Those things are not done, F: it isn't done, ní den mhúineadh é sin.
It's as good as done, tá sé ionann is déanta.
What is done cannot be undone, níl aon mhaith sa seanchas nuair atá an anachain déanta.
What is to be done? cad atá le déanamh?
It cannot be done, ní féidir a dhéanamh.
Well done! mo cheol tú!
It is done to a turn, tá sé bruite go díreach.
Book done into English, leabhar a aistríodh go Béarla.
To have done, bheith réidh (le), bheith críochnaithe (le).
The day is done, tá an lá istigh.
Have done (with) crying! stad den ghol!
Have done fiddling with it! éist leis!
Be done! Have done! scoir de! leag as! stad!
To be done (to the world), bheith spíonta, tnáite.
(In making a bargain) Done! bíodh ina mhargadh!
It would hardly have done to . . ., ar éigean a dhéanfaidh sé cúis ...
I gave him a shilling as the others had done, thug mise scilling dó, mar a thug an mhuintir eile.
He has been hard done by, tá drochchor faighte aige.
Do as you would be done by, tomhais mar ba mhaith leat a thomhaisfí chugat.
I'm done for, tá mo chosa nite.
I'm feeling absolutely done in, táim tugtha tnáite.
Done up to kill, gléasta mar ghaige, gléasta go péacach.
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