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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: liost · los · slios · Laois · líosa
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
lios, m. (gs. leasa, pl. ~anna). 1. (a) Enclosed ground of (ancient) dwelling-house; enclosed space, garth. (b) Ring-fort. (c)F: Fairy mound. 2. Ring, halo. Tá ~ ar an ngealach, there is a halo round the moon.
Dá mbeadh ~ do leasa fút, if you wished to do what was good for you.
Duine a chur ar bhealach a leasa, a aimhleasa, to advise s.o. for his own good, to lead s.o. astray.
Rinne tú ~ do leasa, you consulted your own interest, acted on good advice.
Chuir sé chun a leasa féin é, he used it for his own benefit.
An rud is doilí le duine ná a bhás (b’fhéidir gurb é lár a leasa é), what one thinks to be a fate worse than death (may be a blessing in disguise).
Duine a chur ar a ~, ar bhealach a ~a, to set s.o. on the right course.
Comhairle a ~a a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. good advice.
B’fhéidir gurb é lár a ~a é, it may be all for his good.
Tá sé ag déanamh ~a don talamh, it is enriching the soil.
An lios ~, the spacious fort.
An rud is measa le duine ná a bhás b’fhéidir gurb é lár a leasa é, what one regards as a fate worse than death may be all for one’s good.
Duine a sheoladh ar bhealach a leasa, to guide s.o. along the right road.
Is é ~ mo leasa é, it is the right course for me to take.
Tharraing sé ar bhealach a leasa, a slánaithe, iad, he set them on the right course, on the path of salvation.
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