There will be no difficulty about doing that, ní aon dua an méid sin a dhéanamh.
With great difficulty, le dua mór.
The enemy were easily dislodged from the hill, ruaigeadh an namhaid den chnoc gan dua.
I had much to do in getting him to come, bhí a lán dá dhua agam ag iarraidh é a mhealladh chun teacht.
I can do it easy, tig liom a dhéanamh gan dua.
To give yourself trouble, dua a chur ort féin.
He will not go to the trouble of doing it, ní chuirfidh sé de dhua air féin é a dhéanamh.
Hard-earned wages, tuarastal a saothraíodh le dua.
To labour for sth., dua a fháil ag saothrú, ag gnóthú, ruda.
To labour up a hill, barr cnoic a bhaint amach le dua.
(Of car) To labour uphill, dul i gcoinne an aird le dua.
It is an easy matter, ní haon dua é.
Pains, dua m, trioblóid f.
To be at great pains to do sth., saothar mór, dua mór, a fháil ó rud.
As a recompense for his trouble, in éiric ar cuireadh de dhua air.
F: Soft lob, obair gan dua.
To spare s.o. the trouble of doing sth., dua ruda a chosc do dhuine.
This book is very stiff reading, ní hobair gan dua an leabhar seo a léamh.
To write without strain, scríobh gan dua.
That will take some doing, ní gan dua a dhéanfar sin.
A thankless task, mórán dua ar bheagán buíochais, cúram gan chúiteamh.
After great toil, le dua agus le hallas.
To take the trouble to do sth., to go to, be at, the trouble of doing sth., é a chur de dhua ort féin rud a dhéanamh.
To give s.o. trouble, to put s.o. to trouble, dua a chur ar dhuine.
To put oneself to a lot of trouble, to give oneself a lot of trouble, to take a great deal of trouble, an-dua, an-trioblóid, a chur ort féin.
To trouble oneself to do sth., dua ruda a chur ort féin.
It wants some doing, ní gan dua a déanfar é.
F: He went out of his way to oblige me, chuir sé dua air féin le gar a dhéanamh dom.
(Of ship) To make heavy weather, dua na farraige a fháil; treabhadh roimpi go maslach.
Not without difficulty, ní gan dua.
He gave himself a world of trouble, chuir sé an-dua den saol air féin.