Working capital, caipiteal m oibrithe.
Casual labourer, oibrí m aon uaire.
Coign of vantage, ionad caothúil chun faire, chun oibrithe.
A course of action that did not commend itself to me, bealach oibrithe nár thaitin liom.
Practical demonstration, taispeáint f oibrithe.
Dilution of labour, oibrithe neamhoilte a chur in áit ceardaithe.
He is an earnest worker, oibrí dúthrachtach, fíriúil, é; tá fir na maitheasa ann.
The big employers of labour, lucht m fostaithe mórchuid oibrithe.
To take on hands, oibrithe a fhostú.
Manual labour, oibrithe láimhe.
The labourer is worthy of his hire, is fiú an t-oibrí a thuarastal.
The lowest paid employees, na hoibrithe is lú pá.
He is a mere machine, oibrí dian é, ach níl aon intleacht aige.
Ind: The masters and the men, na máistrí agus na hoibrithe.
Non-union worker, oibrí m nach ceardchumannach.
To give notice to an employee, fógra scoir a thabhairt d'oibrí.
Outside worker, oibrí m lae.
To pay a workman by the piece, oibrí a íoc ar thascanna.
This method is not so practicable, níl an modh seo chomh so-oibrithe.
Quay-side worker, oibrí cé.
An employee's good record, dea-cháil oibrí.
Smock(-frock), (i) forléine f (oibrí); (ii) blús m.
Steady worker, oibrí dlúsúil, dúthrachtach.
A super flurry of hands, oibrithe mpl le cois.
To take on a workman, oibrí a fhostú.
Transport worker, oibrí m iompair.
(Coign, point, of) vantage, ionad caothúil chun faire, chun oibrithe.
He is a hard worker, oibrí dícheallach é, sclábhaí maith é.
Working man, fear oibre, oibrí m, sclábhaí m.
Working woman, oibrí m mná, bean f oibre.
Working capital, rachmas oibrithe.