respect1, s. 1 (Reference) To have respect to sth., bheith ag tagairt do, ag baint le, rud. With respect to . . ., maidir le . . . In many respects, ar mhórán bealach. In some respects, ar dhóigheanna áirithe. In every respect, ar gach bealach. In this respect, ar an gcuma seo. Gram: Accusative of respect, cuspóireach m tagrach. 2 (Heed) Aird f. To have respect to sth., rud a chur i gcuntas; aird a thabhairt ar rud. Without respect of persons, gan fabhar, gan féachaint, d'aon duine. 3 a Meas m(for s.o., the truth, ar dhuine, ar an bhfírinne), urraim f, ómós m(for s.o., do dhuine). To have respect for s.o., meas a bheith agat ar dhuine. He commands respect, tá meas air. Worthy of respect, measúil. Out of respect for..., le hómós do . . ., le meas ar . . . With all due respect (to you), i gcead duitse. b Respect for the law, umhlaíocht don dlí. 4 pl. Respects, dea-mhéin f. To pay one's respects to s.o., do dea-mhéin a chur in iúl do dhuine.
respect2, 1 Tá meas agam ar (dhuine); tá urraim, ómós, agam do (dhuine). My respected colleague, mo chomhleacaí uasal. 2 a To respect s.o.'s opinion, aird a thabhairt ar thuairim duine. b To respect persons, fabhar a dhéanamh ar dhaoine áirithe. c To respect the law, géilleadh don dlí. d He was able to make his authority respected, bhí sé in ann a údarás a chur i gcion. 3 Baineann le (rud). As respects . . ., maidir le . . .; i dtaca le...
Show respect to your betters, tabhair urraim don mhuintir atá os do chionn.
To command respect, admiration, meas, onóir, a thuilleamh.
He compels respect, ní féidir gan urraim a thabhairt dó.
Her I respect, tá meas agam uirthise.
Him I respect, tá meas agam airsean.
They hold him in respect, tá ómós acu dó.
To inspire s.o. with respect, meas duine a tharraingt ort féin.
Out of respect for you, le hómós duit; le teann measa ort.
To pay one's respects to s.o., do dhea-mhéin a chur in iúl do dhuine.
All people who have respect for the truth, gach duine a bhfuil beann aige ar an bhfírinne.
Questions respecting a matter, ceisteanna i dtaobh scéil.
quasi-prep.A man than whom no one was more respected, fear nach raibh aon duine ba mhó a raibh meas air ná é.
At one time he used to be respected, bhí lá agus bhí meas air; bhí meas air tráth.
The same holds true in respect of . . ., is é an cás céanna é ag . . .
His enemies as well as his friends respected him, bhí meas ag a naimhde chomh maith lena chairde air.
With all due respect to you, i gcead duitse.