For all I care, ar scáth a gcuireann sé de bhuaireamh ormsa.
Under the auspices of . . ., faoi choimirce . . ., faoi scáth . . .
To tell a brazen lie, bréag a insint gan scáth, gan náire.
Art: Cast shadow, scáth sínte.
Under the cloak of religion, faoi scáth an chreidimh.
Under colour of law, of reason, faoi scáth an dlí, an réasúin.
Under favour of the night, ar scáth na hoíche.
For all the use he is he might as well go, ar scáth a bhfuil de mhaith ann bheadh sé chomh maith dhó imeacht.
He took fright, ghlac scáth é, bhuail faitíos é, scanraigh sé(at, roimhe).
Under, in, the guise of friendship, ar scáth, i leith, cairdeasa.
To jab s.o.'s eye out with an umbrella, an tsúil a bhaint as duine le scáth fearthainne.
F: Under the mask of devotion, faoi scáth na cráifeachta.
Nau: To obscure lights, scáth a chur ar shoilse.
Open light, solas gan scáth.
Under the pretence of friendship, ar scáth an chairdis.
Under, on, the pretext of consulting me, ar scáth dul i gcomhairle liom; mar dhea go raibh (sé, etc.) ag dul i gcomhairle liom.
Art: Projected shadow, scáth caite.
To screen oneself behind sth., dul ar scáth ruda,
Temperature in the shade, teas ar an scáth, faoin scáth.
To cast a shadow, scáth a chaitheamh.
In the shadow of . . ., faoi scáth . . .
Man is an essentially social animal, ar scáth a chéile a mhaireas na daoine.
Stumpy umbrella, scáth fearthainne giortach.
Unalloyed happiness, séan m gan scáth.
To pay s.o. the value of the lost umbrella, luach an scáth fearthainne (a cailleadh) a chúiteamh le duine.
He is worn away to a shadow, níl a scáth ar an talamh; níl ann ach an scáil.
To keep within the law, fanacht ar scáth an dlí.