The passage quoted below, an sliocht seo i mo dhiaidh, an sliocht thíos.
The coming generations, sliocht ár sleachta; na glúine a thiocfas inár ndiaidh.
He descended, is descended, from Conn, de shliocht Choinn é.
Well descended, de shliocht uasal.
He is a descendant of Conn, de shliocht Choinn é.
Person of noble descent, duine de shliocht uasal.
He was of English extraction, ba de shliocht Sasanach é.
A quotation from the Bible, sliocht as an mBíobla.
Of gentle birth, de shliocht uasal.
Gently born, de shliocht uasal.
The custom will go down to posterity, beidh an nós ag ár sliocht.
He died without issue, ní raibh sliocht ar bith air.
Person of high lineage, duine de shliocht uasal.
Lowly born, (i) de shliocht anuasal; (ii) de mhuintir bhocht.
Of noble birth, de shliocht uasal.
And he her only son, agus í taobh leis de shliocht.
(Of pers.) To be of noble, humble, origin, bheith de shliocht uasal, íseal.
Piece out of a book, sliocht m as leabhar.
To leave a large posterity, sliocht mór a fhágáil i do dhiaidh.
To reach the age of puberty, teacht chun sleachta, teacht in oirbheart, in inmhe (fir, mná).
To put a passage into Greek, Gréigis a chur ar shliocht.
To quote from the author, sliocht a thabhairt as saothar údair.
Select passages from . . ., sleachta tofa as ...; rogha sliocht as ...
Selections from Pearse, sleachta tofa as scríbhinní an Phiarsaigh.
The sole remnant of his race, iarsma aonair a shleachta.
To tag a speech with quotations, óráid a bhreacadh le sleachta.
To take a passage from a book, sliocht a bhaint as leabhar.
Scripture text, sliocht m as an Scriptiúr.
To thee and thine, duitse agus do do mhuintir, do do shliocht.