Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: athrí · trí · tchí · th · Thai
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Seans gur foirm é thrí de: trí »
When he arrives at the age of sixty, nuair a bheas sé i gceann a thrí fichid bliain.
To clear a wall (by three inches), an balla a ghlanadh, a scoitheadh (de thrí horlaí).
Twelve divides by three, tá dó dhéag inroinnte ar thrí.
He is my junior by three years, is óige é de thrí bliana ná mé; tá sé trí bliana níos óige ná mé.
I have three times as much as I want, tá a thrí oiread agam agus a theastaíonn uaim.
Butter at three shillings a pound, im ar thrí scilling an punt.
Within a radius of three miles, faoi thrí mhíle timpeall.
Typ: Run of three thousand copies, rith m de thrí mhíle cóip.
Com: Bill drawn in a set of three, bille ina thrí cóipeanna,
He is three times my size, tá mo thrí oiread ann.
We can stable three horses, tá áit againn do thrí chapall.
It increased threefold, tháinig a thrí oiread ann; mhéadaigh sé faoi thrí, trí huaire.
Thrice that amount of money, a thrí oiread sin airgid.
Yours is three times as big as it, tá a thrí oiread i do cheannsa.
A treble offence, coir f faoi thrí.
He earns treble my salary, tá a thrí oiread tuarastail dó is atá domsa.
To treble s.o.'s output, a thrí oiread a sholáthar le duine.
Esp: Triune Godhead, Diacht thrí-aonta.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht