With one dissentient vote, agus aon vóta amháin ina aghaidh.
There will be a division, cuirfear ar vóta é.
He headed the poll, is é is mó a fuair vótaí.
He headed the poll, is é is mó a fuair vótaí.
To put the question, an cheist a chur ar vóta.
To scrutinize votes, scrúdan a dhéanamh ar vótaí.
Parl: Snap division, vóta m tobann.
To solicit votes, vótaí a lorg, a thóraíocht.
Solid vote, vóta d'aonghuth.
Six votes to four, sé vóta in aghaidh ceithre cinn.
Turn-over of four votes, aistriú m ceithre vóta.
To give one's vote to, for, s.o., do vóta a thabhairt do dhuine.
To have a vote, vóta m, cead guthaíochta, a bheith agat.
To record one's vote, do vóta a chaitheamh.
The Army vote, vóta an airm.