óige. 1. f. (gs. ~). (a) Youth. In ~ duine, in one’s youth. Le linn ár n-~, in the days of our youth. Ó ~ go neart, from youth to maturity, to the prime of life. Tá an ~ aige fós, he is still young. Tá an ~ agat orm, you are younger than me, you have the advantage of youth over me. Níl ~ ná amaidí orthu, they can plead neither youth nor folly, they are old enough to have sense. Thug sé leis as a ~ é, he had it from childhood. Bhí aithne agam air as a ~, I knew him in his young days. Cuireadh le ceird as a ~ é, he was put to a trade as a youth. Ag dul in ~ atá tú, you are getting younger(-looking) all the time. (b) Young people. 2. gsf. & comp. of óg2. (Var. of 1: ~acht f)
~í na hóige, the dreams of youth.
Tá gnaoi na hóige uirthi, she has the bloom of youth.
As a naíocht, as a óige, from his infancy, from his youth.
D’óige a athshamhlú duit féin, to conjure up one’s youth.
~ na hóige, youthful folly, indiscretions.
~ na hóige, the bloom of youth.
~ na hóige, the vigour of youth.
Tá ~ na hóige aige, he has the advantage of youth.
Bíonn ceann ~ ar an óige, you cannot put an old head on young shoulders.
Chleacht sé an cheird sin as a óige, he followed that trade from his youth.
Is iomaí ~ a chuireas an óige di, a young person goes through many phases.
Is cuma leis an óige cá gcroithfidh sí a cos, youth must have its fling.
~ na hóige, youthful memories.
Dá óige é is amhlaidh is fearr é, the younger he is the better.
An ~ mac is óige aige, his second youngest son.
An duine is óige den teaghlach, the youngest of the family.
Is ~ an rud an óige, it is nice to be young.
Is óige duitse ná domsa, you are younger than I am.
~ na hóige a chur díot, to sow one’s wild oats.
Is mairg a thugas ~ don óige, one should not disparage youth.
~ na hóige, the fire of youth.
~ na hóige, youthful beauty.
~ na hóige, na sláinte, youthful, healthy, appearance.
~ móra na háilleachta agus na hóige, the great gifts of loveliness and youth.
na héin, a hóige, go hÁrainn, the birds, her youth, to Aran.
Is óige mise ná é, I am younger than he is.
Níl ~ ag an óige ar a saol ach oiread leis an aois, death comes to young and old alike.
Ó aois m’óige i leith, ever since the days of my youth.
Le ~ m’óige, in my youth.
~ na hóige, the fire of youth.
~ na hóige, bloom of youth.
~ na hóige, the liveliness of youth.
1. ~ta an duine, na hóige, human, youthful, longings.
~ an óige is tiocfaidh sí, youth responds to praise.
Dá mbeinn bliain ~ b’óige, had I been a year younger.
Tá tú ~ óige ná mé, you are younger than I am.
Óna óige, from his youth.
~ mná óige, dashing young woman.
~ na hóige, youthful fancies.
Tá sí ag ~amh na hóige, she is keeping her youthful appearance.
Más í ~ an iníon is óige aige, if this is his youngest daughter.
~ na hóige, youthful complexion.
~ na hóige, the fire of youth.
Thug sé sin leis as a óige, he acquired that habit in his youth.
T~ na nÓg, T~ na hÓige, the Land of Youth, Elysium.
Ó thosach a óige, from his earliest years.
I d~ m’óige, in my early youth.