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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: aníos · níon · níor · íon · íos-
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níos, comp. adv. Tá tú ~ óige ná mé, you are younger than I am. ~ lú ná bliain ó shin, less than a year ago. ~ déanaí ná a shíl mé, later than I thought. Dá mbeadh ~ mó airgid agam, if I had more money. Tiocfaidh sé ~ minice feasta, he will come oftener from now on. Tá an aimsir ~ tirime anois, the weather is drier now. Níl ~ fearr le fáil, there is nothing better to be had. (Var:~a)
Níos fearr ~, better still.
~ níos sine, a shade older.
Dá mbeadh sé beagán níos saoire, if it were a little cheaper.
Tá siad níos fearr ná a cheapfá díobh, they are better than you might imagine.
Tá níos mó ná an ~ ann, it exceeds the correct amount.
Tá sé ~ beag níos fearr mar sin, it is a shade better like that.
Ná bí do mo choimeád níos sia, don’t detain me any longer.
Níor chuir mé an scéal níos faide, I didn’t pursue the matter any further.
Ba cheart duit do ghnó a chur chun cinn níos fearr ná sin, you should do better than that to promote your business.
Níl mé a dhath níos measa leis, I am none the worse for it.
Níl ~ níos faide aige, it is as far as he can go.
I bhfad ~ann níos fearr, much better altogether.
Ag éirí níos measa, getting worse.
Níl sé mórán níos eolaí dá bharr, he is not much the wiser for it.
I bh~ níos fearr, far better.
Ní thig liom dul níos faide leis, I can’t continue any farther with it.
Ní thig liom ~acht níos faide, I can’t wait any longer.
~ a níos fiach, where there is a will there’s a way.
Níos deise ~, nicer still.
Tá níos lú ~ agam féin, I myself have even less.
Anuas níos íochtaraí, at a lower, later, date.
Ná tar do m’~ níos mó, don’t come near me any more.
Níor ~ sé níos mó air, he didn’t refer to it any more.
Tá ~ níos mó ná an ceart ann, it is just over the right amount.
Tá tú ~ níos láidre ná é, you are rather stronger than he is.
Ní ~faidh mé ort níos mó leis, I will not press you any further with it.
Tar níos ~e, come oftener.
Tá sé níos mó ná a athair, he is bigger than his father.
Níos mó, any more.
Ná déan sin níos mó, don’t do that any more.
Níl an ceann seo ~ níos fearr, this one is not much better.
Tá míle punt ann ~ bhfuil níos mó, there are a thousand pounds there, if not more.
Tá sé níos airde ~ an fear eile, he is taller than the other man.
Níl tusa ~ níos fearr ná é, you are not one bit better than he is.
Níl tú ~ níos fearr ná é, you are not one bit better than he is.
Níl sé ~ níos fearr leis, he is not much the better for it.
Tá mé ~ beag níos fearr inniu, I am a little better today.
Ba cheart duit a bheith níos ~, you should spruce yourself up a bit.
Bheith níos sine ná duine, to be older than s.o.
Ní chuirfimid an ~ níos faide, we won’t pursue the matter any further.
Níos ~ ar aghaidh, farther on.
Níos ~ ná míle, longer than a mile.
Ná lig an cás níos ~, don’t let the case go any further.
Níos faide ~ san uaimh, farther back into the cave.
Ba cheart duit do ghnóthaí a shocrú níos fearr ná sin, you should arrange your affairs better than that.
Tá sé níos troime ná an t-uisce, it is heavier than water.
Níos ~ ná ligfeadh sé liom é, sooner than he would let me have it.
Seacht n-uaire níos fearr, seven times better.
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