Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: air · buair · fuair · nuair · tuair
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
uair, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanta; pl. form ~e used with numerals). 1. Hour. (a) Twenty-fourth part of day. ~ an chloig, an hour (by the clock). Táimid anseo le h~ an chloig, we have been here for a full hour. Ar feadh ~e, for an hour. Siúl ~e, an hours walk. An oiread seo a dhéanamh san ~, to do so much in an hour, per hour. Punt san ~, a pound an hour. Íoctar iad de réir na huaire, they are paid by the hour. (b) Time of day. Ar ~ an mheán lae, at the hour of midday. ~ roimh an oíche, an hour before nightfall. Ar an ~ seo de , at this hour of the day; at this point of time. an ~ buailte aige, the hour has struck. (c) Time, season. An ~ seo den bhliain, this time of year. Ar an ~ seo de mo shaol, at this hour of my life. (d) Appointed time. an ~ ann, the hour has come. Nuair a tháinig a ~, when his time came. Ar ~ ár mbáis, at the hour of our death. (e) (pl.) Fixed time (for work, etc.). ~eanta oibre, hours of work. ~eanta scoile, school-hours. Na huaireanta a choimeád, to keep regular hours. S.a. am1 4. (f) Present time. Cás na huaire, the current case. Baois na huaire, the folly of the times. S.a. ainnir. 2. Time, occasion. (a) An chéad ~ a bhí ann, the first time I was there. Den chéad ~, for the first time. Níorbh é an chéad ~ agat é, it was not your first time. Ba cheart duit sin a an chéad ~, you should have said that at first. An dara h~ a thiocfaidh anseo, the next time he comes here. Ón ~ dheireanach a bhí ag caint leat, since the last time I spoke to you. h~? Cén ~? When? An ~ sin, that time. ~ éigin, some time. ~ sa bhliain, once a year. ~ de mo shaol, at one time in my life. Aon ~ amháin, once; once upon a time. Aon ~ amháin eile, one more time. Gach (aon, uile) ~, every time. Aon ~ is mian leat, any time you like. Eachtra aon ~e, casual event. ~ dhó, once or twice. Trí huaire chomh fada, three times as long. Seacht n-uaire níos fearr, seven times better. Dúirt fiche ~ leat é, I said it to you time and again. ~ faoi seach, umá seach, once in a while. ~eanta, sometimes. An ~ = nuair. (b)(Dative pl. form ~ibh used in phrase) Ar ~ibh, at times, occasionally. 3. Weather. An ~ chiúin, calm weather. Chuaigh chun ~e móire, it became stormy.
Uair na h~, the psychological moment.
an chéad uair aige é, it is not his first time.
uair againn lena dhéanamh, we have an hour in which to do it.
Is í ~ na huaire aige í, she is his sweetheart for the time being.
Ar ~ na huaire, on the spur of the moment; within a second.
In ~ na huaire seo, at this juncture.
h~ huair a tharla sin? When ever did that happen?
thiocfaidh in ~ in uair, he will be hopelessly late in coming.
(Aon) uair ~, once.
Bhí ag caint leis (aon) uair ~, I was speaking to him once, on one occasion.
(Aon) uair ~, formerly.
Bhí siad fairsing san áit seo (aon) uair ~, they were plentiful in this place formerly.
An chéad uair, the first time.
an uair ~, the time has come.
mbeinn ~ an uair sin, had I lived then.
Uair ~, rare occasion.
~ uair amháin, once; once upon a time.
Ar an dea-uair, at a fortunate time; fortunately.
Bhí i m~ a mhaitheasa an uair sin, he was then at his best, in his prime.
Sin é an uair a bhí an ~ acu le chéile, it was then that they started to talk excitedly to one another.
Nára do bheatha an uair seo doíche, bad welcome to you at this hour of the night.
céad slat as seo, míle ón trá, siúl uaire chun na páirce, it is a hundred yards from here, a mile from the strand, an hours walk to the park.
an uair, an meán oíche, ~te linn, it is coming near the time, midnight.
huair? At what hour? When?
huair chairde í, it is not a time for procrastination.
~ trí huaire sa é, take it three times a day.
Chaith uair ag caint, he talked for a whole hour.
An ~ bliain, huair, the fiftieth year, time.
Cén uair? At what time? When?
An, den, chéad uair, (for) the first time.
Ar an uair chéanna sin, at that very hour.
Ar an uair a bhí ~tha, at the appointed hour.
An ~ bliain, huair, the fortieth year, time.
~ uaire, uair is ~, quarter of an hour, an hour and a quarter.
An ~ duine, huair, the fourth person, time.
~ huaire fichead, ~ acra is fiche, twenty-four hours, twenty-four acres.
Uair an chloig, an hour by the clock.
Uair i g~ na bliana, once a year.
An t-am, na huaireanta, a choinneáil, to keep good time, regular hours.
bhíonn long is lón agat gheobhaidh ~ (uair éigin), patience is always rewarded.
~ uaire, bliana, most of an hour, of a year.
Uair, seachtain, ~, an hour, a week, exactly.
~ huaire fichead, (i) twenty-five times, (ii) twenty-five hours.
mba ar uair an mheán oíche é, even at the hour of midnight.
Gach uair smaoiním air, every time I think of it.
Gach uair ~ smaoinigh air, every time I thought of it.
An ~ huair a thiocfaidh , the next time he comes.
Uair den oíche, an hour of the night.
Nuair a tháinig anseo den chéad uair, when I came here for the first time.
Daichead míle (san uair), tríocha míle an galún, a dhéanamh, to do, travel, forty miles (an hour), thirty miles to the gallon.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht