Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: nior · iníor · íor · níon · níos
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
níor1, neg. vb. particle. (Used with regular forms in the past tense) ~ chreid sé mé, he didn’t believe me. ~ ith tú mórán, you didn’t eat much. ~ cuireadh suim ann, no notice was taken of it. ~ tugadh cead dom, I was not granted permission.
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
3. Níor tháinig sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, it is not in his nature to do it.
Níor ~ tú mo litir, you did not acknowledge my letter.
Níor shéid aon lá as an ~ ba mheasa ná é, there never was a stormier day.
Níor ith sé ~ níor ól sé, he neither ate nor drank.
Bhí sé ann ~ níor labhair sé, he was there but he did not speak.
Níor ~ sé air, he did not enlarge on it.
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
Níor cailleadh riamh le h~ é, he was never mean.
Níor ~ mé i gceart é, I didn’t quite catch it.
Níor ~ mé a leithéid riamh, I never heard the like of it.
Níor ~ sé aige é, it had no effect on him; it was inadequate for his needs.
Nuair a bhí airgead aige níor ~ sé é, when he had money he did not appreciate it.
Níor tharraing mé m’~ ó mhaidin, I haven’t had a moment’s rest since morning.
Níor tharraing sé (aon) ~ slán ó loiteadh é, he never recovered his health from the time he got hurt.
Níor chuir mé aon duine ~ ná as, I made no reference to anybody in particular.
Níor tháinig an t-~ fós air, he has not yet reached the critical stage (of his illness).
Níor chodail mé aréir as mo chluas, I did not sleep last night because of my (sore) ear.
Níor dhóigh sé siúd an ~ riamh, that fellow ‘never burned the old milking-place’, never made an unwise move.
Níor chleacht mé a ~, I was not accustomed to anything different.
Níor ~ tú ó chonaic mé go deireanach thú, you haven’t changed since I saw you last.
Níor bhac duit go raibh mise leat, it was just as well for you that I was along with you.
Bhí mé ann agus níor bhac dom, I was there and it was just as well for me.
Níor tháinig sé chun ~ chugat, duit (a leithéid sin a rá, a dhéanamh), you had no right (to say, do, a thing like that).
Níor bhain sin de a chuid a dhéanamh, that did not prevent him from taking his meals.
Murar cuireadh leis an scéal níor ~eadh de, the story lost nothing in the telling.
Níor ~eadh fúithi ach ag gol, she could not be stopped from crying.
Níor ~eadh Mí de Mhaigh Uisnigh roimhe sin, the plain of Uisneach was not called Meath before then.
Níor mheath mo bharúil orm, I judged rightly.
Níor fhiafraigh siad díom an raibh ~ orm, they offered me nothing to eat or drink.
Níor mhaith liom mé a bhéalrú eatarthu, I would not like to be the subject of their gossip.
Níor bheannaigh sé anseo le bliain, he has not been here for the past year.
Níor bhain sé ~ asam, I did not feel the kick.
Níor bheite a bheith grod leis, it shouldn’t be done in haste.
Níor ordaigh Dia béal gan bhia, God made food for everyone.
Níor bhain an drochscéala ~ as, the bad news did not move, disturb, him in the least.
Níor labhair sé focal ar ~, he did not speak one word.
Níor bhlais mé aon ghreim inniu, I haven’t tasted a bite today.
Níor bhlais an bia nach mblaisfidh an bás, all men are mortal.
Níor bhobáil mé súil aréir, I did not sleep a wink last night.
Níor bhog sé cos, he didn’t stir a foot.
Níor fhan duine ar ~, everybody cleared off.
Níor fágadh fear ar ~, not a man was left on the field.
Níor bhraith mé an lá ag imeacht, I did not notice the day passing.
Níor lig an náire dom a bheith ag brath orthu, á mbrath, I was ashamed to be dependent on them, asking favours of them.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Níor mhaith liom do bhris, I would not wish any misfortune to happen to you.
Níor bhris mo chumha, my sorrow did not cease.
Níor lig an ~ dó labhairt linn, he was too proud to speak to us.
Níor thug Dia ciall don bhrúid, God did not grant reasoning powers to the brute beasts.
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