Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: as · ás · is · MS · os
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Seans gur foirm é S de: 's » · have » · be »
S, s, m. (pl. ~-anna).The letter S. Sh, sh, represent lenited S.
s’ = seo 2(d).
Cúigear ~ s(h)eisear agaibh, five or six of you.
Deirimse mairteoil leat! That’s what I call beef!
Sin é a deirim, that’s what I mean.
Dhá ~ a bheith ar do choigeal agat, to have two strings to one's bow.
Is beag an t-~ a bhí leis de bharr a lae ag iascach, he had little reward for his day's fishing.
Cá mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lord’s Prayer?
Síol, sliocht, Ádhaimh, Adam’s descendants, the human race.
Bíodh cluiche againn, let’s have a game.
Ná tabhair ~ an phobail orainn, don’t draw everybody’s attention to us.
~ an fíor sin? Do you tell me that’s true?
~ a léamh, a rá (do dhuine), to say Mass (for s.o.’s intention).
~ a chur le (hanam) duine, to say Mass for the repose of s.o.’s soul.
~ an duine, man’s mind, way of thinking.
Tá ~ baintrí aici, she has cast off her widow’s weeds.
Ag maireachtáil ar an ~, living on one’s savings.
D’anam, do náire, a anacal, to guard one’s soul, one’s honour.
In ~ Dé! In God’s name! For God’s sake!
Oíche airneáin, a night’s visiting; a social evening.
Ré ~, time to repent; time to change one’s mind.
Dá ndéanfá ~ ar d’athair, if you were to follow your father’s example.
B’~ le mo chroí iad, they were my heart’s delight.
~ Muire, St. John’s wort.
Cuid an lae ~, tomorrow’s share, food.
~ na bhFiann, the Soldier’s Song.
An Leabhar Eoin, St. John’s Gospel.
Níor tharraing mé m’~ ó mhaidin, I haven’t had a moment’s rest since morning.
D’~ a dhéanamh, to prepare one’s soul, to repent.
Rud a chur le leas d’~a, to do something for the good of one’s soul.
D’~ a chur i gcontúirt, to risk one’s life.
~ a dhéanamh ar chuid na muintire eile, to usurp other people’s goods.
Níl sé uilig ~, he’s not quite all there.
An rud is ~ is iontach, what’s seldom is wonderful; anything unusual draws attention.
Obair na hoíche ~, tonight’s work.
Seo ~ agat é! So that’s how it is!
Síol na bliana ~, last year’s seed.
~ duine a fháil le rud, to obtain s.o.’s consent to sth.
Bás ~ Chríost, Christ’s voluntary death.
Cuid an ~ fear déag, an ~ fir déag, the eleventh man’s share.
Cuid an ~ bean déag, na h~ mná déag, the eleventh woman’s share.
Ar shála a chéile, at each other’s heels.
Tá ár gcuid ar Dhia, we are depending on God’s providence.
Cad tá ort? What’s wrong with you?
~ a chur ar theach, ar do shaol, to insure a house, one’s life.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to go to s.o.’s assistance.
~ bán, geal, white bread; baker’s bread.
~ an diabhail, devil’s imp.
Do chroí, do mheanma, a ardú, to lift up one’s heart, spirits.
Stoirm na hoíche ~, last night’s storm.
4. ~ a bhaint as rud, to make sth. serve one’s purpose.
~ ar obair daoine eile, rehash of other people’s work.
~ a dhéanamh; teacht ar ~ (faoi rud), to change one’s mind, have second thoughts (about sth.).
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht