Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
~í aráin agus fíona, accidents of bread and wine.
An bhfuil ~ ghreim aráin agat? Have you a bite of, any, bread?
(Beo) ar arán, ar a shaothrú, ar an déirc, (living) on bread, on his earnings, on charity.
~ cruithneachta, coirce, wheaten, oaten, bread.
~ plúir, flour bread; home-made bread.
~ bán, geal, white bread; baker’s bread.
~ donn, rua, brown bread.
~ mine cruithneachta, (flour) bread containing a mixture of wheaten meal.
~ buí, mine buí, bread containing a mixture of Indian meal.
~ cuiríní, rísíní, sinséir, currant-, raisin-, ginger-, bread.
Ár n-~ laethúil, our daily bread.
Arán, im, baile, home-made bread, butter.
~ greim as an arán, toit as do phíopa, take a bite of the bread, a smoke of your pipe.
Ar bheagán aráin, short of bread.
Cuir ~ ime ar an arán, put a taste of butter on the bread.
Arán a bhealú, to butter bread.
Bheith ~ ar arán, ar obair, to live on bread, by work.
~ aráin, páipéir, bit of bread, of paper.
~ aráin, cake of (home-made) bread.
Arán ~, crisp bread, shortbread.
Is minic a mhaolaigh béile maith ~, all griefs are less with bread.
Arán a bhruith san oigheann, to bake bread in the oven.
~ aráin, scraps of bread.
Arán ~, whole-meal bread.
~ aráin, feola, hunk of bread, of meat.
~ aráin, mine rois, mustaird, bread, linseed-meal, mustard, poultice.
~ aráin, éadaigh, fuála, bread-, clothes-, work-, basket.
~ in áit na huibhe, a stone for bread.
3. ~ sinséir, ginger(bread) nut.
~ ar arán, ar cháis, blue mould on bread, on cheese.
Is fearr marcaíocht ar ghabhar ná ~ dá fheabhas, anything is better than walking, half a loaf is better than no bread.
Arán, prátaí, ~, dry bread, potatoes.
Ag ~ (éadaigh, aráin), colouring (cloth, bread) with saffron (dye, flavouring).
Bhí sé ag cruinniú a choda, he was begging for his bread.
~ aráin, pióige, crust of bread, of pie.
Ár g~ a shaothrú, to earn our bread, our living.
~ chuige an t-arán, pass the bread to him.
Sóid a chur in arán, to put soda in bread.
~ aráin, feola, hunk of bread, of meat.
Cuid den arán, some of the bread.
Arán, tae, an dinnéar, féasta, a dhéanamh, to make bread, tea, the dinner, a feast.
~ arán, gloine, cóta, scioból, gairdín, de, make bread, glass, a coat, a barn, a garden, of it.
Rinne an t-arán agus an bainne tráth dó, the bread and milk made a meal for him.