~ a tharraingt, a chaitheamh, ar dhuine, todraw, cast, suspicion on s.o.
Tá cuma chaite orthu, they look worn.
Ag caitheamh, tabhairt, ~ (ar), censuring, reproving.
Bhí caitheamh is ~ acu air, they attacked and reviled him.
~ amach, ar an urlár, ar fud na háite, thrown out, on the floor, all over the place.
Bíonn siad ag ~eamh anuas orm, they speak slightingly of me, belittle me.
Bhí sí á ~eamh féin air, she was throwing herself at him.
Tá rud éigin ag ~eamh air, there is sth. the matter with him.
Tá sé ag ~eamh ar mo ghoile, it is affecting my stomach.
Tá na scoilteacha ag ~eamh air, he is troubled with rheumatism.
Cad é tá ag ~eamh ort? What’s bothering you?
Ná bí í gcónaí ag ~eamh ar do chomharsana, don’t be forever speaking ill of your neighbours.
Rud atá ar ~, sth. that is being worn.
Bhí sé ag breathnú orainn i g~ na faide, he kept looking at us all the time.
Rud a chur ar chaitheamh díslí, to gamble sth. on throw of dice.
Níl ~ (ar bith) ort é a dhéanamh, you are not compelled to do it.
Cé a chuirfeadh an ~ orm? Who would compel me?
Beidh ~ ina dhiaidh ort, you will regret it.
Tá rud éigin ag cur caite air, there is sth. troubling him.
Níl aon chaitheamh sa saol orm, I haven’t a care in the world.
Bhí ~ is cáineadh acu air, they were casting aspersions on him.
Ag caitheamh ~ ar a chéile, throwing burs at each other.
Bhí an bád caite ina ~ ar an trá, the boat was cast as a hulk on the strand.
Crainn a chaitheamh ar rud; rud a chur ar chrainn, to cast lots for sth.
Do chuid a chaitheamh (ar, le), to spend one’s substance (on).
~ a tharraingt, a chaitheamh, ar dhuine, to bring s.o. into contempt.
~ a chaitheamh ar dhuine, le duine, to cast aspersion on s.o.
Cógas a chaitheamh ar ~, to take medicine on an empty stomach.
Ar feadh, i gcaitheamh, na feidhle, during the whole time.
Súil na glasóige a chaitheamh ar dhuine, to cast sheep’s eyes at s.o.
Bíonn sé chomh fuar ansin go mbíonn ort cóta a chaitheamh, it is so cold there that you have to wear a coat.
~ a thabhairt, a chaitheamh, ar dhuine, ar rud, to decry s.o., sth.
~ a chaitheamh ar rud, to glance at sth.
Rud a chaitheamh ~ ar dhuine, to throw the onus of sth. over on s.o.
Tá ~ a caite ar do chasóg, your coat shows signs of wear and tear.
~ a chaitheamh (ar rud), to spit (at sth.).
Ag caitheamh ~e orainn, casting aspersions on us.
Ag caitheamh ~ salach ar dhuine, vilifying s.o.