Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: clotting · cloning · loathing · cling · close thing
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Seans gur foirm é clothing de: clothe »
1. ~ éadaigh, item of clothing.
Chruinnigh sé a bhalcaisí le chéile, he gathered together the bits of clothing he had.
~ éadaigh, troscáin, article of clothing, of furniture.
~ éadaigh a chur ort, to encumber oneself with clothing.
Tá sé leat i do chlupaidí, you are carrying it in the folds of your clothing.
Cuir ~ ort féin, put on some protective clothing.
Ball éadaigh, scéal, a dhéanamh as rud, to make an article of clothing, a story, out of sth.
Ball éadaigh a dhéanamh do dhuine, to make an article of clothing for s.o.
Faoi dhiamhair a éadaigh, secreted in his clothing.
Éadach ~, worn-out, wretched, clothing.
Éadach ~, weather-proof clothing.
Ball éadaigh, article of clothing.
Gan ~ gan éadach, destitute (of clothing).
Éadach ~, men’s clothing.
Níl ~ éadaigh air, he hasn’t a stitch of clothing on him.
Éadach ~, serviceable clothing.
~ éadaigh, scantiness of clothing.
Éadach ~, garish clothing.
ina ghairtéir, (clothing) in tatters.
Éadach ~, beautiful, stylish, clothing.
Éadach ~, tattered clothing.
Fliuchfar d’íochtair, the tail of your clothing will get wet.
Éadach ~, inner clothing.
Bhí éadach olla lena chneas, there was woollen clothing next his skin.
Tá mo chuid éadaigh leacaithe, my clothing is crushed.
Ní fhágfaidh siad ~ air, they won’t leave a patch (of skin, of clothing) on him.
Ballaí, éadach, ag ~adh, walls, clothing, becoming faded.
Smál, salachar, a ~ean ar éadach, to let clothing become stained, soiled.
~ éadaigh, threadbareness, scantiness, of clothing.
Éadach ~, threadbare clothing.
~ bia, éadaigh, adhmaid, earraí, supply of food, of clothing, of timber, of goods.
~ éadaigh, oibre, change of clothing, of work.
Tú féin a mhúchadh le héadach trom, to muffle oneself up in heavy clothing.
Pholl an ghaoth mé, the wind went through me, penetrated my clothing.
Éide ~, drab clothing.
Éadach a ruadhó, to scorch clothing.
Ní raibh ~ éadaigh air, he hadn’t a stitch of clothing on him.
~ i gcraiceann na caorach, wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Slaimicí éadaigh, tattered (pieces of) clothing.
Éadach ~, tattered clothing.
Ball éadaigh a thástáil ort, to try on an article of clothing.
Éadach ~, warm clothing.
Tá a bhfuil ~ orm stróicthe acu, they have torn all my clothing.
Éadach ~, dry clothing.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht