Rinneadh ~ ar na barra, the crops were badly damaged.
~ a dhéanamh do rud, to damage sth.
Damáistí eiseamláireacha, iarmhartacha, leachtaithe, pionósacha, speisialta, exemplary, consequential, liquidated, punitive, special, damages.
~ gan leigheas, irreparable damage.
Dul i n~ ar dhuine, to cause damage to, trespass on, s.o.’s property.
~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to cause loss, damage, to s.o.
Gan ~ gan dochar, without loss or damage.
Rinne an sioc ~ do na barra, the frost damaged the crops.
Cíos, fiacha, damáiste, a éileamh, to claim rent, debts, damages.
Dúirt tú focal a ghortaigh é, you made a remark that hurt him. (Of harm, damage)
Caillteanas, damáiste, ~, consequential loss, damage.
Damáistí leachtaithe, liquidated damages.
Damáistí a ~an amach, to prescribe damages.
Earraí a lot, to damage goods.
Díobháil, gabháil, mhailíseach, malicious damage, arrest.
~ damáistí, mitigation of damages.
Damáistí a mheasúnú, to assess damages.
Tá sé ina mhúr thar grian, it is damaged beyond repair.
Damáistí ~a, punitive damages.
Rinne an oíche aréir ~, there was a lot of damage done last night.
An ~ a íoc, to pay the reckoning; to pay damages for stolen food, for trespass.
Ag déanamh speirthe, doing damage.