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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é did de: do »
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Ní dhearna sé ~ a cheann a chromadh, all he did was to bow his head.
Níor ~ tú mo litir, you did not acknowledge my letter.
Tá sé ~ go ndearna sé é, he admits that he did it.
Bhí sé ann ~ níor labhair sé, he was there but he did not speak.
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
Ní fhéadfainn, ~ mo dhícheall a dhéanamh, an chloch sin a thógáil, I could not lift that stone, even if I did my best.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Níor ~ sé air, he did not enlarge on it.
Ar ~ tú an ceann seo? Did you count, include, this one?
Cad é an ~ de bhlianta a chaith sé ann? How many years exactly did he spend there?
Is ~ a chruthaigh sé, he did very well.
An ~ nár labhair sé liom, because he did not speak to me.
Nuair a bhí airgead aige níor ~ sé é, when he had money he did not appreciate it.
Cá h~ nó cá huair a tharla sin? When ever did that happen?
Fiú) ~ is nár bhuail sé mé, even though he did not strike me.
Níl ~ orm nach é, ná gurb é, a rinne é, I have no doubt that it was he who did it.
Cad é an tús a bhí air? How did it begin?
Ar bhris tú é? Did you break it?
Rinne sé ~ é, he did it afterwards.
Rinne sé as a neart, as a stuaim, féin é, he did it by his own strength, ingenuity.
As aineolas a rinne sé é, he did it through ignorance.
Níor chodail mé aréir as mo chluas, I did not sleep last night because of my (sore) ear.
Ní hé d’~ a rinne é, you are the very person who did it.
Chuir sí ~ ar a cuid gruaige, a cuid éadaigh, she did her hair, tidied her clothes.
Ba mhaith an bhail ort go ndearna tú é, it was well for you that you did it.
Cá mhéad a bhain sé amach air? How much did he charge for it?
Níor bhain sin de a chuid a dhéanamh, that did not prevent him from taking his meals.
Rinne sé é le ~ baoise, sainte, he did it out of sheer folly, greed.
Ní lú ná mar a d’iarr sé orm é, much less did he ask me for it.
Mura fíor é) ní mise ~ na bréige, (if it is not true) I did not invent it.
Ní dúirt sé fiú ‘go mbeannaí Dia duit’ liom, he did not even salute me.
Níor bhain sé ~ asam, I did not feel the kick.
Nach cuma ~the cé a rinne é? It doesn’t matter in the least who did it.
Ní ~ duit nó is tú a rinne é, as sure as you are alive you did it.
Ní raibh aon duine nach bhfaca é, there was no one who did not see him.
Cad é a dúirt sé? Tá, gur imigh sibh air, what did he say? This, that you went away without him.
Cár fhág tú é? Tá, sa bhaile. Where did you leave it? At home, of course.
Rinne tú obair mhaith, má tá, you did good work, however.
Níor bhain an drochscéala ~ as, the bad news did not move, disturb, him in the least.
Níor labhair sé focal ar ~, he did not speak one word.
~ béil ní bhfuair mé, not a bite, a sup, did I get.
Níor bhobáil mé súil aréir, I did not sleep a wink last night.
Níor bhraith mé an lá ag imeacht, I did not notice the day passing.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Nach ~ nár labhair tú liom? How well you did not speak to me?
Nach ~ a tháinig tú? So you did come after all?
Ní ~ domsa é, I did not invent it.
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