Galar ~, a terrible disease.
~ a thógáil, a tholgadh, to contract a disease.
~ an chronaithe, a wasting disease (supposed to be caused by witchcraft).
~ ghalair, germ of disease.
Galar ~e, congenital disease.
~ fáis, galair, éabhlóide, stage of growth, of disease, of evolution.
Is fada ón gcneá an ~, ‘the poultice is far from the wound’, the remedy does not touch the root of the disease.
Galar ~, enervating disease.
Tá an aicíd ina ~, the disease is quiescent. (Of boat, ship)
3. ~ crúb, disease affecting hoofs of animals.
Aicíd dhíobhálach, pernicious disease.
~ ar ghalar, immunity from a disease.
Dhoimhnigh an aicíd ann, the disease took a hold on him.
Tá an aicíd go ~ ann, the disease has got a firm hold of him.
~ mór, (disease characterized by) enlarged gall-bladder.
Galar dúchais, inherited disease.
Is é an t-aon ghalar amháin iad, they are the same disease.
D’fhág an aicíd ~ air, the disease debilitated him.
Bheith ag éileamh (as aicíd), to complain (of a disease).
Aicíd, easláinte, a fháil, to get a disease, ill-health.
Aicíd fhorleata, widespread disease, epidemic.
~ galair, tinnis, after-effects of disease, of sickness.
An galar atá ag ~áil dó, the disease that afflicts him.
~ a thógáil, to contract a disease.
Tháinig an ~ air, he took the disease.
~ craicinn, croí, súl, inchinne, skin, heart, eye, brain, disease.
~ gan leigheas, incurable disease.
~ crúibe is béil, foot-and-mouth disease.
~ easpa, deficiency disease.
~ trua, pine disease (in cattle, sheep).
Tá seacht ngalair an tsléibhe air, he has every disease under the sun.
An áit ar ghin an galar, where the disease originated.
Aicíd, an slaghdán, a ghlacadh, to catch a disease, a cold.
Ghlan an aicíd as a chnámha, the disease cleared out of his bones.
Aicíd ghráiniúil, loathsome disease.
~í galair, an Drochshaoil, the after-effects of a disease, of the Famine.
Galar, mearú, ~e, mental disease, aberration.
~ (galair), carrier (of disease).
~ aicíde, seat of disease.
Tá an aicíd sin ag ~úint de, that is a persistent disease with him.
Aicíd, lot, a ~, to cure a disease, a wound.
Galar ~, widespread disease.
Mharaigh an galar é, the disease killed him.
Aicíd mhillteach, pernicious disease.
Sin mar a oibríonn an aicíd sin, that is how that disease takes effect.
~ aicíde ar scamhóga, the action of disease on lungs.
Is féidir teacht ~ an aicíd sin, that disease can be prevented.
Duine a shaoradh de ghalar, to rid s.o. of a disease.
~ nó galar, sickness or disease.
~ an aicíd iad, the disease swept them off.