An bheatha shaolta, shíoraí, earthly, eternal, life.
Ní ~ ná cúnamh dúinn é, it is of no earthly use to us.
Mo chuid den saol, my earthly store, my all.
Gan cúis ar ~, for no earthly reason.
Dúil dhomhanda, earthly creature.
~ ainglí, chré, dhaonna, angelic, earthly, human, being.
~ an domhain, earthly glory; worldly wealth.
~ shaolta, earthly being.
~ daonna, saolta, human, earthly, being.
Gairdín Pharthais, the Garden of Eden, earthly paradise.
Ár ~ saoil, our earthly course.
Duine ~, earthly, living, person.
An bheatha shaolta, earthly life.
~ cré an duine, man’s earthly body.
~ saolta, earthly happiness.
An bheatha thadhaill, earthly life; this transitory life.
Parthas ~, earthly paradise.
Ná bíodh ~ agat as glóir shaolta, don’t rely too much on earthly glory.