~ duine (amháin) clainne, one of a family.
Tá cúram páistí, muirín mhór, orthu, they have children to care for, a large family to support.
~ an áil, ~ an bhalláin deiridh, the weakling of a litter, of a family.
~ clainne, muintire, teaghlaigh, the father of a family.
~ de theaghlach, de chumann, member of a family, of a society.
4. ~ sampla, ~ ar shliocht, fool of a family, of a community.
~ ar theaghlach, an increase in a family.
~ de bhóthar, de shiopa, de theaghlach, branch of road, of shop, of family.
Tá, tháinig, ~ orainn, there is an increase in our family.
Rinne sé ~ dá theaghlach, he gave precedence to junior member(s) of his family; he messed up his family.
Tháinig ~ bháis orthu, they were distressed by a death in the family.
Teaghlach, comhlacht, a bhunú, to found a family, a company.
~ teaghlaigh, founder of family.
Ag déanamh stocaí caite, making stockings to wear, for family wear.
I g~ a theaghlaigh, in the bosom of his family.
Ainm cúl le ~, a name new in the family.
~ cuar, family of curves.
~ mhac, iníonacha, family of sons, of daughters.
Seisear clainne, six of a family.
Teach, teaghlach, a choinneáil, to keep a house, a family.
An bhfuil an ~ ar fad go maith? Are all the family well?
Chuir sé ~ mhaith ar a chlann, he settled his family well.
Chuir sé a chlann i gcrích, he settled his family.
Tá sé ~ air a chlann a thógáil, he finds it hard to rear his family.
eile agaibh, den teaghlach, others of you, of the family.
Tá a chúnamh imithe uaidh, his family have left him.
~ tí, teaghlaigh, áite, oibre, the care of a house, of a family, of a place, of a job.
An bhfuil do chúram go maith? Is your family well?
Go bhfága Dia os cionn do chúraim thú, may God spare you to look after your family.
Dul idir an craiceann is an ~, to interfere in family affairs.
2. Cé ~ díobh thú? From whom are you descended? What is your (family) name?
An duine is óige den teaghlach, the youngest of the family.
~ againn, den teaghlach, de na buachaillí, ten of us, of the family, of the boys.
An duine ~ den teaghlach, the last, youngest, member of the family.
Cé leis an ~? To what family does the lad belong?
An ~ seo againne, our family group; our party, set.
~ an chrúiscín, last of family.
Ba dhual dó sin ón dá thaobh, he took that from both sides of his family.
Tá an ceol inti ó dhúchas, she is musical by nature; she comes of a musical family.
~ na fine, the ancestral land of the family.
An té a chaill a dhuine, he who lost a member of his family.
Tháinig sé de dhuine is de dhaoine, he came, comes, of a good breed and family.
~ de na fir, de na mná, de na páistí, den teaghlach, den fhoireann, one of the men, of the women, of the children, of the family, of the team.
~ clainne, child (of family).
Tá ~ lag aici, she has a helpless brood, family.
D’fhág sé muirín lag ina dhiaidh, he left a young family.
~ teaghlaigh, family man.
~ teaghlaigh, stem of family.
Tá ~ gaoil agam leis, he and I belong to separate branches of the same family; I am distantly related to him.