Tá an bás d’~ ag gach aon duine, everybody is fated to die.
Is cosúil go raibh siad in ~ dá chéile, it seems they were fated for each other.
Tá sé de bheith orm (a bheith deireanach i gcónaí), I am fated (to be late always).
Fágadh an bheith sin orainn, we are fated to be like that.
Tá sé de bhua orm a bheith ar an anás, I am fated to be always in need.
Bhí sé sin sa chinniúint aici, that was fated for her.
Is cosúil go raibh an bás sin ina chomhair, it seems he was fated to die in that way.
I n~ (do), fated, in store (for).
Bhí an bás i n~ dó, he was fated to die.
Bhí sé i n~ is i dtairngreacht (go), it was fated and foretold (that).
Dúirt sé gur dhual don mhac a bheith in aghaidh an athar, he said that it was fated for son to oppose father.
~ an bháis, place where one is fated to die.
Más é a ~ é, if it be fated for him.