Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: fíor- · fír- · fo- · for · fora
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
for-2, pref. Over, superior, super-; outer, external; great, extreme.
for1, s. (In phrase) Is é a fhor is a fhónamh é, it is all he ever does, all he is interested in. (Is é) dfhor is dfhónamh (a bheith) ag léamh leabhar, you do nothing but read books.
for3 = ar2.
Tháinig a iarraidh iasachta orm, he came to ask me for a loan.
Féadann a n-iarraidh air, you may ask him for them.
Íocfaidh as a gceannóidh , I will pay for whatever you will buy.
Dúirt liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
~ Seán anseo, take Seán here for instance.
~ an dán sin dúinn, recite that poem for us.
~ leis fanacht liom, tell him to wait for me.
~ aige, able for him, a match for him.
~ ag an obair, able for, equal to, the work.
~ cóta, bróg, troscáin, material for a coat, shoes, furniture.
~ leabhair, material, theme, for a book.
~ culaithe ann, there is (enough) material in it for a suit.
~ gáire, bróin, gearáin, cause of, for, laughter, sorrow, complaint.
a ~ aige, he has cause, reason, for it.
i bhfad uaidh a chonaic an t-~, he had real cause for anxiety.
Ar an ~ sin, for that reason.
Ar an ~ go, for the reason that.
Gan fáth gan ~, for no reason whatever.
~ machnaimh a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. food for thought.
Níl mórán abhrais déanta aige, he has little to show for his work.
Is beag an t-~ a bhí leis de bharr a lae ag iascach, he had little reward for his day's fishing.
Is mór an spórt é i mbaile gan ~, it is great sport for those who have nothing better to do.
Gheobhaidh é ~ íoc as, you will get it if you pay for it.
Tiocfaidh ~ a gcuirfear fios air, he will come if he is sent for.
~ grásta , but for the grace of God.
~ ab é, ~ gurb é, an teas, but for the heat.
~ ab é mise, only for me.
~ oibre, siúil, strength, capacity, for work, for walking.
~ óil, capacity for drink.
~ a thógáil de dhuine, to find an excuse for s.o., save s.o. from punishment.
Ag sin an scéal duit, there, that, is the story for you.
Sin agat é, there it is for you.
Is mór acu Seán, they have a great regard for Seán.
leathdhuine mise agaibh, you neednt take me for a half-wit.
Bhí ag feirmeoir anuraidh, I was working for a farmer last year.
Go maith ag an slaghdán, good for a cold.
Ba mhaith againn é, it would be well for us to have it.
Mall ag an traein, late for the train.
trom aige, it is heavy for him.
beag go leor agat, it is little enough for you.
in am aige pósadh, it is time for him to get married.
Tháinig ag iarraidh airgid orm, he came to ask me for money.
bhíonn (aon) ~ agat air, if you have time to spare for it.
Trócaire, maithiúnas, a ~t, to plead for mercy, forgiveness.
Agróidh Dia orthu é, God will punish them for it.
Nár agraí Dia ort é, may God forgive you for (doing, saying) it.
h~ a chuid ábhaillí ar an leanbh, dont punish the child for playing pranks.
hionsaigh ~, dont go looking for trouble.
Thug ~ ar na cnoic, he set out for the hills.
~ orainn inár ngníomhartha, do not punish us for our deeds.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht