Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: dea · ide · ideal · ides · aide
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An bhfuil ~ ar bith agat den aimsir? Have you any idea of what the weather will be like?
D’aigne ní aithním a bheag, I have no idea what is in your mind.
Ná ~ leat go bhfuil fearg orm, don’t go off with the idea that I am angry.
A chiall féin ag gach duine, everybody has his own ideas.
Smaointe a chomhcheangal, to associate ideas.
Is maith an ~ é, it is a good idea.
Níl a fhios aige ach oiread le ~ a chinn, he hasn’t the remotest idea.
le chéile, unity (of opinion, of effort); matching (of objects); coherence (of ideas).
Dheamhan a fhios agam, I haven’t the faintest idea.
~ a bhaint as rud, to get a wrong idea about sth.
Smaoineamh, rún, ag fabhrú i gceann, in intinn, duine, an idea, an intention, forming in s.o.’s head, mind.
~ intleachta, dearcaidh, smaointe, breadth of intellect, of vision, of ideas.
Ní fheadair sé inniu ó inné, he is all mixed-up, has no clear idea of anything.
Dá mbeadh ~ ar bith agam air, if I had any clear idea of it.
~ a bheith agat de rud, to have some idea of sth.
Ba mhór an mheabhraíocht é, it was a great idea; it showed great presence of mind.
Ná ~ chugat féin (go), don’t get the idea into your head (that).
Ná ~ chugat féin (go), don’t run away with the idea (that).
~ a chur i gceann duine, to put an idea into s.o.’s head.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to have a fair idea of sth.; to have some recollection of sth.
Fuair mé ~ air, I got an idea of it, caught a glimpse of it.
Ná ~ go bhfuil fearg orm, don’t get the idea that I am angry.
Tá ~ agam (go), I have an idea (that).
Ná ~ go bhfuil cead do chinn anseo agat, don’t get the idea that you can do as you please here.
do) ~eadh dom go mbeadh do chuidiú againn, I got the idea that we would have your help.
Níl a fhios agam ach oiread le h~ na bhfiann, I haven’t the faintest idea.
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