Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: as · blas · clas · flas · glas
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
las, v.t. & i. 1. Light. (a) Cipíní, lampa, tine, a ~adh, to light sticks, a lamp, a fire. Níor ~ an gual, the coal did not light. ~ an solas, put on the light. (b) ~ (suas) an áit, it lit up the place. ~ an sliabh, the mountain blazed. ~ a súile le háthas, her eyes shone with joy. 2. Blush, flush. ~ a aghaidh, his face flushed. Ag ~adh le náire, blushing with shame. 3. Flame, inflame. (a) Mianta a ~adh, to inflame desires. Lit: ~ i ndiaidh a scéimhe, lust not after her beauty. (b) ~adh chun feirge, to flare up in anger. ~ chugam, he flared up at me. ag ~adh fúthu, dont be inciting them. 4. Med: Inflame. Cneá ag ~adh, a wound becoming inflamed. 5. (Of phosphorescent effect) ~ an t-iasc, the fish surfaced.
~ lasta, shifting of cargo.
Lasta a chur, a thógáil, ar ~, to load, take on, a cargo.
Ag ~adh lasta, báid, discharging a cargo, a boat.
~ a lasadh, to light a match.
Lasta, long, a chothromú, to trim a cargo, a ship.
Lasta a chur i bh~, to jettison a cargo at sea.
Bád, lasta, a fholmhú, to discharge a boat, a cargo.
Lasadh a bhaint as ~ duine, to make s.o. blush (for shame).
Rud a chur, a choinneáil, ar ~, to set, keep, sth. alight.
Bhí coinnle ar ~ ann, there were lighted candles there.
Ar ~ le dathanna, sparkling with colour.
a chroí ar ~ le díograis, le grá , his heart is burning with zeal, with Gods love.
~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. blush.
Tháinig ~ ina ghrua, his face flushed.
~ feirge, náire, blush of anger, of shame.
~ cneá, inflammation of wound.
~ fiabhrais, eitinne, flush of fever, of consumption.
~ loinge, shipload.
~ scaoilte, bulk cargo.
~ a thógáil, a fholmhú, to take in, discharge, a cargo.
Gan ~, unladen.
Ag imeacht ~, going off at top speed.
na ba ~ inniu, the cows are being bought up quickly today.
An ~ a lasadh, to put on the light.
~ lasta, stowage of cargo.
Lasta a ~, to stow a cargo.
~ a chur síos, a lasadh, to set, light, a fire.
Ualach, lasta, ~, heavy load, cargo.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht