Bhí ~ bia agus dí ann, there were lashings of food and drink.
Tá ~ dí, airgid, aige, he has lashings of drink, of money.
Tá ~ dí againn, we have lashings of drink, more than we can drink.
~ teanga, tongue-lashing.
Tá ~ de ann, there are lashings of it.
~ seoil, lacing, lashing, of sail.
Ag ~adh fearthainne, lashing rain.
~ de bhata, den teanga, a lashing with a stick, with the tongue.
Bhí bia go maidí sceana againn, we had lashings of food.
Do mhórdhóthain de rud, lashings of sth.
~ den teanga, lashing with tongue.
Ag ~adh fearthainne, lashing rain.
Ag ~ a chéile, lashing, thrashing, one another.
Ag ~adh fearthainne, lashing rain.
5. ~ airgid, bia, lashings of money, of food.
~ cheangail, lashing, tie.