luas, m. (gs. -ais, pl. ~anna). 1. Speed, velocity. ~ taistil, travelling-speed. Leis an ~ a bhí faoi, at the speed he was going. ~ a dhéanamh le rud, to speed up, make haste with, sth. Imeacht ar ~, to go speedily, quickly. D’imigh sé ar ~ na gaoithe, he went like the wind. Ar ~ lasrach, at lightning speed. De ~ nimhe, at a furious pace. ~ na gcos, fleetness of foot. Tá ~ is léim ann, he can run and jump. ~ anála, rapid breathing, panting. ~ croí, ar chroí, palpitation. Géarú, maolú, luais, increase, decrease, in speed. ~ géaraithe, teirminealach, uilleach, accelerated, terminal, angular, velocity. Ball:~ béil, muzzle-velocity. 2. (Of time) Earliness. Ar ~ nó ar moille, sooner or later. Is é ~ an earraigh is cúis leis, the early coming of spring has caused it. Is leor a ~, it will come soon enough. Ar a ~ liom a thiocfaidh sé, it will come sooner than I would wish. Dá ~ dá, (ar) an dá ~ is a, scoirfidh sibh den obair, as soon as ever you stop work.
Ní ~ dúinn a luas, it will come soon enough for us
Leis an luas a bhí ~, he was going at such speed.
Luas a lagú, to slacken speed.
Ní thig luas le ~, speed is not conducive to accuracy.
Is ~ a luas, it will come soon enough.
Luas, pointe, loicthe, stalling speed, point.
Luas a mhaolú, to reduce speed.
~ ar luas, slackening of speed.
Fad, méid, luas, a mheas, to estimate length, size, speed.
~ luais, pick-up of speed.
~ luais, speed indicator.