Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: air · pairt · pait · paor · par
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Seans gur foirm é pair de: par »
An capall ~, the off-horse (of pair).
Tháinig siad ina mbeirteanna, they came in twos, in pairs.
Péire ~í, pair of (teasing) cards.
~ dhá chapall, coach and pair.
~ chaorach, ghabhar, pair of sheep, of goats, tied together.
~ comhair, one of pair of oxen, yokefellow; equal, peer.
An ~ acu, the pair, both, of them.
Tá siad ag ~áil isteach ina bpéirí, they are entering in pairs.
Roinn ~ an péire acu é, divide it between the pair of them.
Tá an bheirt acu ~ le chéile, the pair of them are in league.
Glacóir, deontóir, ~e, electron-pair acceptor, donor.
Cá bhfuil ~ na bróige seo? Where is the pair to this shoe?
1. ~ bróg, lámhainní, piostal, pair of shoes, of gloves, of pistols.
~ capall, pair of horses (in harness).
Cuir ina bpéirí iad, arrange them in pairs.
Ní ~ a chéile iad, they are not a pair.
Is deas an ~ iad, they make a nice pair.
Péirí a dhéanamh, to pair off.
~ ina bpéirí, ina n-aicmí, iad, divide them into pairs, into categories.
Péire ~í, pair of spectacles.
An péire ~, the pair going up. (As vb. imp.)
Is breá an t-~ atá aige, he has a great pair of lungs.
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