Ag creachadh agus ag bánú na tíre, plundering and laying waste the country.
An Lochlannach ~, the plundering Norseman.
Ar díbheirg, on a plundering expedition.
Foghail agus ~, plunder and rapine.
Ag milleadh agus ag díbheirg na tíre, despoiling and plundering the country.
Ní hea amháin a chreachadar an dún (ach), not only did they plunder the fortress (but).
~ agus slad, violence and plunder.
~ a dhéanamh ar áit, to plunder a place; to cause wanton destruction to a place.
~ fhoghla, rush for plunder.
Ag ionsaí agus ag argain na tíre, attacking and plundering the country.